RoVe Consulting

About Rob

Rob van Veenendaal

Rob van Veenendaal is the principal of Rove Consulting.

Rob holds an MBA (University of Groningen – Netherlands) and also holds a Diploma of Financial Markets (SIA) as well as a Diploma of Financial Services (AFMA).

He is a Graduate Member of The Australian Institute of Company Directors, and a Senior Associate of FINSIA.

Rob has a diverse background and started his career with commodities marketing and trading with Billiton, a large international mining house, then based in the Netherlands, which sent him to Australia (Melbourne) in 1993. He then joined UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland) in their Sydney commodities department, and was some years later hired by CIBC (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce) to set up a financial products desk in Sydney. Rob then joined a start up commodities fund manager in 2002 and helped grow this business into a group managing two listed investment companies with over $180 million under management. Rob became the group Chief Operating Officer and sat in a number of company boards and management committees, as well as the internal and external compliance committees. He set up a separate funds management division comprising a Responsible Entity with an independent operational structure (administration, custody, registry etc), and oversaw the development of two new Managed Investments Schemes covering both retail and wholesale.

Following disappointing investment returns on the listed side the company moved to unwind all its business activities, so Rob has experienced ‘both sides of the coin’!