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St Andrew's - Our Leadership


Rev. Je-Kon Oh St Andrew's Uniting Church apointed a new Minister of the Word from 1 February 2008: Rev. Je-Kon Oh, who came to us from Sutherland Uniting Church. We look forward to working with Je-Kon over the years ahead.
Our Minister oversees the Ministry and Mission of our Church as leader of our Ministry Team, and is the main worship leader.

Email Ministry Team


At present, as we develop a new Vision and Startegic Plan to take us through the next eight to ten years, we have no employed Ministry Workers. However, "all bases are covered" by members of our congregation in this interim period.
Pastoral Care is overseen by the Minister leading our Pastoral Leaders Team, and the members of our PLT have designated pastoral oversight roles so that we share the load in caring for our membership and associated community members.These team members can be reached through our Ministry Team Leader, Rev. Je-Kon Oh, phone (02) 4578 3820, or by Email
Email Ministry Team


Our Congregation worships, witnesses and serves as a fellowship of the Spirit in Christ.
Our members meet regularly to hear God's Word, to celebrate the sacraments, to build one another up in love, to share in the wider responsibilities of the Church and to serve the world.
Membership of the Congregation is open to those regularly attending worship at any of our Services, and the Congregation meets quarterly. Its role is to provide a forum for members to bear witness to their unity, to build up and sustain members, to elect members of the Church Council and to discuss the concerns and plans of the members in mission, worship and fellowship.


The Elders meet monthly, under the leadership of our Minister of the Word. Its members are elected by the Congregation, and they are responsible for the spiritual development and pastoral oversight of the members of the Congregation.
The Ministry Team works closely with the Elders to ensure that the people's needs are identified and that appropriate support is given.
The Elders provide oversight of the selection of study materials, worship arrangements and Small (Home) Group coordination. In addition to their spiritual and pastoral roles, the Elders also have a major part to play in visitation, teaching, mission, worship and administration of the sacraments.


The general governing body of our church is the Church Council, consisting of our Elders, the Ministry Team and members elected by the Congregation to represent each worship service,
The Church Council is responsible for general administration, staff, finance, property and the oversight of mission and worship through delegated Mission Teams. It meets quarterly.
The Church Council has appointed Bruce Fairhall as Church Administrator (Hon.) to carry out the day-to-day operations of our Church Office, financial management and associated tasks.

Email Church Office

St Andrew's Richmond is a Congregation of the Uniting Church in Australia

Thus page was updated on: 24 June 2010