"something will turn up, always has, always will”

Before I start talking again, I’d like to apologize to the people who are reading and visiting my blog regularly.

I came back to college on January 5th and the lousy college internet took me out of action for a few days.

I am in the final years of my law school now. Just a few more months and I’d be a graduate and a long phase of life would come to an end.

I have already spent more than 4 and a half years and have met some of my best friends for life here.

Most people in the college are already sulking over the fact that as this phase gets over, it would take away a lot of pleasure, fun and contentment along with it. I guess most people feel this way.

Nevertheless, I think I am a bit different here. I love my college friends and I am sure that I’ve had more fun than most people in my batch but I can hardly feel myself sulking over the college life of mine, which is about to come to an end. I have a completely different set of emotions running through my head at the moment. I am not sulking but I am excited about the new life that I am about to have after a long time (5 years) and the idea of not having any idea about where I would be by the end of the year makes me more and more keyed up.

A lot of people tell me that I do not realize as of now but I’d badly miss college once I am out of here but even after making a very honest and calculative speculation, I do not see any such thing happening. I never missed the two schools where I studied for most of my school life when both gave me some of the closest buddies ever and one had the hippest crowd in the city.

I will definitely miss my friends in the college and my comfy hostel room which gave shelter to one of the laziest people on earth. However, I will not, in the future, miss how my life used to be when I was here.

It is not that my mind refuses to succumb to the emotions that usually ooze out from the heart, but its just that excitement is an emotion which outperforms any other emotion in me.

Comments on: "What they say about the last days of college…." (2)

  1. Deepika Agarwal said:

    time gives us a lots of things…..n the one thing i always cherish abt it is the memories and the ppl…….memories if good gives us happiness if bad gives us a lesson of lifetime…..ppl is good give us strength if bad …..then no comments……..wish u best for future…..

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