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A Testimonial is generally a piece of written text, and occasionally audio or video, that expresses satisfaction about a product or service a person or company has received. The person giving the testimonial, as well as the person receiving it, can be a private individual or a company.

Testimonials are sometimes known as Endorsements, although this is usually a term reserved for celebrities when they approve the use of a product such as perfumes, food or sports equipment.

In summary, testimonials form a very important part of word-of-mouth recommendation and referral strategies. They are particularly effective for small businesses, or young companies as they seek to build their client base before they have had a chance to develop a strong, well-known brand.

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Encourage Specifics - Specificity works in all areas of copywriting, but is especially effective in a testimonial. Rather than “we saw a big improvement,” get your customer to state exactly what the improvement was, such as “we saw a 217% improvement.”

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Never Fake It - While testimonials are crucial, it’s not worth the risk to fake them. Most people have well-trained BS detectors that can smell a fake a mile away.

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Address Objections - If a prospect discovers that another customer’s worries have proved groundless, then that person is more confident to reach for the wallet.

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Use Testimonials That Fit - Place appropriate testimonials along with a particular point that you are trying to make.

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Don’t Over Edit - Testimonials work best when they are in “real” language. Those small grammar and language quirks help the reader connect and demonstrate they are real.

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