Psychometric assessments aim to measure attributes like intelligence, aptitude and personality, providing insight into how someone might cope with stress, how well they work with other people, and how ambitious or risk-averse they are.

The ultimate aim of occupational psychometric testing is to assist people in finding where they can contribute most happily and productively.

In a candidate tight market the importance of psychometric assessments are critical. It uncovers areas that are often not evident in interview situations but come to the fore once a candidate has commenced employment.

Profiles has consulted with many occupational psychologists, human resource executives, and other professionals to develop psychometric assessments and services which satisfy the modern needs of business.

Tests vs. Psychometric Assessments

Profiles is in the assessment business, not the testing business. Psychometric Assessments are different from tests:

  • Tests are Pass/Fail while Psychometric Assessments are Informative

  • Psychometric Assessments Provide Information To Make Better Decisions

    Psychometric Assessments measure (assess) an individual's attributes and accurately describe those attributes

    When a person's attributes are known, they can be compared to the qualities required by a particular job or profession. Thus, Job Match can be achieved.

  • You Cannot Fail Who You Are

    No one ever fails an assessment

When Should Psychometric Assessments Be Used?

  • Psychometric Assessments should be an integral part of Every Business, from pre-hire through retirement

    Good decisions are possible only when executives and managers have good information upon which to base them. The information provided by psychometric assessments can be used to allocate a company's "human capital" most effectively.

  • The goal is to address people challenges before they impact business operations (be proactive not reactive) With the right information, the negative impact of problems can be diminished or avoided altogether

  • If you are recruiting: simply put the right person in the right job

  • For Your Current Workforce:
    • Determine if all people are well placed

      Answers questions about the most effective assignment of a company's human capital
    • Gain insight on all employees to better:
      a. Coach Helping employees improve their job performance
      b. Manage Helping managers improve their management skills and practices
      c. Motivate Finding the keys that unlock the motivational power that lies within every individual
    • To develop an ongoing improvement program for:
      a. All Employees
      b. Management
      c. Leadership
      d. Building an ongoing and positive succession plan

Why do Companies Use Psychometric Assessments?

  • They want to hire the right person for the right job
  • They want to hire dependable people
  • They want to increase productivity
  • They want to reduce the rate of employee turnover
  • They want to eliminate the costs of avoidable legal actions
  • They want more effective use of their human capital
  • They want to achieve the efficiencies that result from "Job Fit"
  • They want to improve their decisions