
About Petals

About the Petals Exchange

Florists around the world are under increasing competitive pressure which threatens their ability to make a reasonable living from floristry.

Customer orders that just 5 years ago would have come into their shop are now being lost to supermarkets, Internet order gathers and “flowers-by-mail” operators.

Much of this loss is in the area of “long distance” or relay orders.  Traditionally around 10% of a florist’s sales, this “long distance” income is threatened by the new competitors.  But the supply end is also threatened.  Increasing volumes of orders are being supplied by a few floral assembly-line operators who dispatch by mail or express courier companies bypassing the florist at this end of the supply chain as well.

Existing florist relay services are based on a business model that is around 70 years old.  Despite “modernizing” their look and feel, they are undeniably using business practices that worked when your grandparents were teenagers!  Are they still the best practices for today?

The Petals Worldwide Floral Exchange is the next generation florists’ order transfer system.  It is designed from the ground up to provide florists with a order exchange system for the future realities of our industry.


We provide our florists with a low cost, easy to use sending & receiving model.  You don't have to pay exorbitant monthly fees, in most cases you only pay when you use the system. You don't even have to be a member of the exchange to send orders into it.  You can send orders right now and receive your selling commission (20% on the Flower Value) online, straight away.  No need to wait till the end of the month before getting paid.

The Exchange “captures” as many orders as possible that might otherwise have been lost to florists and channels them to a supplying florist within the Petals system.

Interested in sending an order right now?  Click Here

Interested in learning more on how to become a member of the Petals-Exchange? Click Here