Do you own a dictionary site that you'd like to see on OneLook? Read this first.

Not every dictionary on the Web is suitable for inclusion in OneLook's index. We strive to make sure that every dictionary on our site is:

To submit a site to OneLook, please send us a message via our feedback form telling us about your site, including its name and URL.

Optional: OneLook can index most dictionary sites without any help from the webmaster, but help is appreciated for larger or more complex sites. For fastest processing, create a file on your web server that includes a link for every word in your dictionary, one link per line. Such a file might look something like this:

<a href="">tuber</a>
<a href="">spud</a>
<a href="">french fries</a>

If you keep this file updated with all the words on your site, and send us an URL at which we can access the file (in addition to the URL for your main home page), it will be easier to index your site and keep its word list updated on our end.