Youth Ministries

On Friday afternoon during school term, we have a primary and secondary youth club. There is a mix of songs, Bible lesson (for each age group), snacks and games. Parents are most welcome to see what we do each week if they are interested in having their children come. All church workers have background checks and valid working with children cards.

Sunday School

Open Door believe in the regular teaching of God’s Word to every age group. We have infant, primary, high school and adult classes before our Sunday morning service. Our dedicated teachers love to build relationships with their students as they teach God’s Word each week. We take breaks over all school holidays to give our teachers a well earned rest and some time to plan for next term’s lessons!

Women’s Ministries

We have monthly Bible studies that are designed to be practical times of learning and discussion. We use a variety of study aids and books that cover Bible survey, teaching or other women’s issues. There are other special functions during the year with guest speakers such pastor’s wives who speak to our ladies.

Senior’s Ministries

This is a popular ministry and outreach of our church. Once a month we have a meeting for our Senior’s and their friends where we sing, have a Bible message, afternoon tea and Christian movie or documentary. It is a great outreach for the church where seniors in our community are cared for and given the Gospel message.

Evangelism & Outreach

We share the Gospel of Christ to those in great need. There is regular letterboxing and local street witnessing.

Biblical Counselling

We offer care, encouragement, instruction and hope through the Word of God to one another. We affirm the Bible reveals all the truth we need to live for Christ and to grow in spiritual maturity in our ‘highly pressured and busy’ culture. We also believe that such counselling best takes place in a supportive church community where we gather regularly to hear God’s Word and we have times of prayer and fellowship.

Ministry Training

Our Church partners with Victoria Baptist Bible College for those interested in further biblical and ministry training.

Victoria baptist bible college