Hana Kosikova - Massage Therapist

Hana Kosikova
Kingsgrove, New South Wales
0406 271 158

1.Mobile massage service-have a treatment in the comfort of your home 2. Come to my place in Kingsgrove Various locations: Kingsgrove, Rockdale, Campsie, Marrickville, Waterloo, Alexandria, Redfern, Glebe, Mascot, Eastlakes, Bondi and many others...........

Health funds rebates are available.

Swedish-Relaxation Massage

- A relaxing massages using gentle, flowing movements over your tired and aching muscles.This method of massage is designed to reduce fatigue and stress by strategically working on soreness and helping your nervous system to settle down

Sport Massage

- This very effective combination of massage and stretching is aimed at preventing injuries to muscles, tendons and ligaments, both before and after playing sport. Used by professional sports people along with anyone who is physically active and seeking to get their muscles in peak condition will benefit from sports massage

Remedial - Deep Tissue Massage

- Remedial Massages uses specific techniques to treat muscular problems where there is significant pain or loss of movement. This style of massage is designed for the treatment of short and long term injuries.
- Deep Tissue Massage uses firm pressure to loosen key areas of tightness, restoring flexibility and joint movement. This massage, even though firm, is always given to the pressure that you feel comfortable with.

BENEFITS of massage:

o Reduces stress
o Performance
o Aid recovery
o Prevent and eliminate injuries
o Reduce stress
o Increases circulation, oxygen and nutrition to cells
o Posture improvement
o Speed recovery from exercise-induced fatigue;
o Enhances ability to think and concentrate
o Improves energy
o Eases sore muscles and joints - increases range of motion and flexibility
o Cleans the body of toxins and wastes
o Improves skin and muscle tone
o Makes you feel fantastic!!

Diploma of Remedial Massage
Diploma of Fitness
Member of the Australian Association of Massage Therapists
Senior First Aid Certificate
Health funds rebates are provided

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