Cluster Headache Treatment

There are a number of different treatments for headaches. These treatments are geared for the pain of each type of headache. As the severity of some of these headaches can be excruciating like that of a cluster headache treatment must be considered as being suitable for the individual in question and their specific form of headache.

Cluster headache pain is known to start in the region of an eye or the temples. The pain can last for about 15 minutes to 3 hours. The pain is felt as being sharp and piercing in addition to being severe in nature. Generally the cluster headache can occur in groups or cluster formations. The symptoms of cluster headaches can be identified as drooping eyelids, red, watery eyes and nasal congestion occurring on the affected face side.

To prevent the recurring form of cluster headache treatment must be composed of induction, maintenance and symptomatic treatments. Of these treatments induction and maintenance have been developed towards preventing the onset of cluster headaches. Symptomatic treatments on the other hand are meant to stop or shorten the time of the headache attack.

Induction cluster headache treatment uses drugs like prednisone to break the cluster headache cycle. Induction drugs are meant only as a jumping off point for the next stage of treatment. With maintenance drugs like verapamil, ergotamine, methysergide and others the reduction of the cluster headache symptoms can be seen. For the actual response to be noted a week's duration of use must be taken.

Both the induction and maintenance drugs are not to be used in the long term therapy. They are only short term medications for cluster headache treatment. Mthysergide can be used as a long term medication but it needs to be stopped once a month every year in order to prevent dangerous side effects.

The symptomatic cluster headache treatment can include oxygen inhalation, Sumatriptan injections, and local anesthetics being applied inside of the nose. Surgery is used only as a last resort. This form of cluster headache treatment comes into effect only if the individual fails to respond to other forms of therapy.

Unlike many other types of headaches cluster headaches do not respond to the over the counter medications that are available therefore you should use preventative medication like muscle relaxants, calcium channel blockers like Verapimil, ergot compounds, anti-seizure medicines, and atypical anti-psychotics.

These are just a few of the cluster headache treatment medications and therapies that you can try. One of the best forms of cluster headache treatment could be understanding the various types of triggers and avoiding exposure to these. By practicing a suitable cluster headache treatment you have the means of stopping more of these debilitating headache attacks at your disposal.

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