Create your free online birth chart showing all astrological signs, with full interpretations, get your daily horoscope and astrology compatibility chart, progressions and more. Payment is requested for regular users.
This site incorporates all the functions of conventional astrology software, but online – with the advantage of being available anywhere and at any time, and of course it functions with any sort of device that can surf the web.
You can view your natal charts from a PC, tablet or smart phone, consult horoscopes for any chart and for any date, check horoscope compatibilty between two persons, verify the zodiac signs for a person, find transits and then display many graphics to illustrate your charts.
With your log on, you can create a birth chart with your smart phone or tablet, for instance, then explore the astrology signs in more detail at home with a PC or Mac.
With your date and place of birth, find your rising sign and the positions of the other stars in your birth chart, with birth chart reading and a great choice of graphics. Your data is saved automatically.

A birth chart shows of the positions of the planets viewed from the earth at a given moment. It is sometimes called a natal chart, horoscope chart, zodiac chart or astrological chart. The ascendant, or rising sign, gives the position in the zodiac on the eastern horizon.
Astrology love chart using only the two birth dates.

This function uses only the dates of birth and ignores the place and time, so does not calculate the ascendants for the two charts. To obtain a more detailled comparison, start by creating both charts, then use the Match button.
Create your chart first, the horoscope can be selected in the menu or by clicking on the "Horoscope" button.

This horoscope compares a natal chart to a given date using the aspect between the two charts. These aspects are thus the transits at that time.

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Created by Frank Burns
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