Climategate Season!

Gone hunting for invisible deer again. It is climategate season!! The week will probably end with nothing new (including deer-s) but the UK police managed to leak (publish) that nobody involved in Climategate could be prosecuted after three years.

Hopefully, the boys/(manly girls) aren’t so eager for recognition that they fall into that trap. There are always ways to prosecute. Was the second release really not a second alleged violation? Is there really no other way to prosecute? I don’t know UK law but breaking and entering, theft of personal property, copyright, illegal accessing of national security data, who knows!? The rule is, if you have done something difficult to those who make the rules, you have broken whatever rule they can think of. Just another reason to stay away from leftism.

Be smart instead!

Anyway, if I see bambi, I’m taping some antlers on his fuzzy head and shooting them back off! I will be back in a week.

21 thoughts on “Climategate Season!

  1. I’m glad you mentioned that, Jeff, because similar thoughts had occurred to me.

    I doubt if the Norfolk Constabulary are really that much interested in pursuing the case, or even slightly interested in “climate-deniers”, but some people further up may still think it is a lead on ‘friends’ of Julian Assange.

  2. Hi Jeff,
    The critical blogoshere has been questioning the scientific literacy of journalist and the entrenched bias, which does blatantly, exists!
    Many of use for years now have been trying to break that network, in the interest of educating our younger generation, wherever they are in our world.
    So looking, at the Hypocrisy of the BBC and many others closer to your home and mine!
    I sent this comment in relation to a Spectator article
    Letter to the Spectator this morning-
    I live in Australian, and have been appalled for a very long time now, on the biased within climate reporting. This is a pernicious, it crosses international boundaries’, a main part of our Auntie the ABC News24, is sourced from the BBC. That bastion of truth, well that myth, has now been well and truly blown! It is criminal in as much; it is dumming down our younger generation. I thought the BBC was about education, not indoctrination!
    As an a Pom, now resident of Australia, in my opinion, this does justify a royal commission’
    Graham Dunton, 146 Upper Cassowary Valley, Qld, Australia.

  3. Hi Jeff hope the hunt goes ok have got 3 red’s this week already and the weather has been cold a few broken cold records for Nov in NZ already.

  4. Hopefully your trip is not deer less especially if you are coming over here to Michigan. Our herd needs some serious thinning. A mile from my house someone got a nice eight pointer with their SUV.

    1. Difficult to imagine anything new in ‘Climategate 3’, concerning its grubby little coterie that we already know can’t be trusted, holding a candle to this new revelation about the BBC.

      Arguably still the most trusted and influential “impartial” broadcaster worldwide, the BBC has been caught red-handed in lies and deceit which will have already affected countless millions of people in one way or another, but mostly to their disadvantage.

      The BBC perpetrators, abetted by their limp-wrist chums, abused the BBC’s long track-record of integrity and should face criminal charges in an International court.

  5. Good luck, Jeff. But this ole hunter knows it doesn’t really matter, the camp experience ans camaraderie are the real benefits. BTW, already have two in the freezer.

  6. Hmm SoL on the 2nd release… Sooner or later with regards the passphrase?

    (normally when I see SoL I think sadly out of luck – politely speaking)

    Or maybe I’ve just fallen for an RC troll.

  7. What a relief. But there is still the SoL on second release, and then the third release…

    Depending upon specific jurisdiction, the SoL may not apply to the first and second if a third is ever released – the release could conceivably be considered a continuing crime, which could allow three (or more) separate incidences as well as the initial hack.


    1. Exactly my thoughts. There are too many ways to prosecute for this to be safe. The people who released the emails have been smart to this point though.

      It looks like an actual trap when the press published that they could not be prosecuted. I don’t recall reading anything similar to that in print previously.

      1. Jeff:

        It looks like an actual trap when the press published that they could not be prosecuted

        I think the main purpose of the statement was to absolve the investigative unit of any further responsibility on the matter. They were never the right people to be investigating this to start with, and I think they always knew this.

        That said, it could end up being a trap if the leaker were to take what they said seriously.

        My advise:

        “Never use any legal advise offered by the police. Always assume it was given under false pretenses to entrap you, which by the way is legal.”

      2. All the better to release the passphrase for the third release so a final countdown of SoL years to remain ‘hidden’.


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