[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Windows Update 2.6.5
- Added support for the Retina display on the new iPad

** Note, you may be asked to allow Mobile Mouse Service to accept incoming connections through your firewall, please allow this.

Windows Update 2.6.3
- Added gesture customization
- Added support for future app versions.

** Note, you may be asked to allow Mobile Mouse Service to accept incoming connections through your firewall, please allow this.

Windows Update 2.6.2
- Fixed issue causing DLL errors to pop up for certain icons pinned to the taskbar.
- Fixed issue causing the server to stop accepting incoming connections in certain cases when the device goes to sleep.
- Added support for future app versions.

** Note, you may be asked to allow Mobile Mouse Service to accept incoming connections through your firewall, please allow this.

Windows Update 2.5.0
- Bug fixes
Windows Update
- Fixed crashing for some users

** Note, please make sure that the application starts after running the update. If it doesn't you may need to start it from the program files directory.

Windows Update
- Fixed lag issue experienced by some users

** Note, please make sure that the application starts after running the update. If it doesn't you may need to start it from the program files directory.

Windows Update
- Fixed server crashing issue

** Note, please make sure that the application starts after running the update. If it doesn't you may need to start it from the program files directory.

Windows Update 2.0.3
- Fixed problem not allowing some users to select a specific IP for the server.
- Added the ability to select a specific folder to use as the folder to look for programs for the dock. If you don't want to use the applications in the Pinned/Quick Launch applications on Windows, you can now specify a directory to use instead. Just create shortcuts for the applications you want to use and copy them into a single directory, then select that directory on the server.
- The server will now pull higher resolution icons of your programs (if they are available). This will provide smoother looking icons on the app.
- Improved UI responsiveness. The mouse shouldn't get stuck any longer when trying to navigate through windows with elevated privileges (this does not include the UAC windows).
- If you are using a non-US keyboard and are having trouble typing, please select "Non-US Keyboard" from the server's File menu.

** Note, please make sure that the application starts after running the update. If it doesn't you may need to start it from the program files directory.


[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]