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"last week ...I began to menstruate naturally for the first time in around seven years. 
Prior to that, I had been on the Pill for six years (since the age of 16), and it took nearly a year after stopping the Pill for my own periods to commence.

Already I feel so much more 'in the flow'. My libido and relationship with my partner are vastly improved, I am more receptive to opportunity and synchronicity, and am more able to make discerning choices about the direction of my life and my energy, in order to further align myself with wellness, womanhood and true femininity. My skin looks more radiant, I feel much calmer and a pain in my hip  that had been intermittently bothering me for years has mysteriously disappeared. Even seemingly unrelated things, such as my ability to write fluidly and elegantly, have improved out of sight. With all this newfound energy, I'm able to devote more time to creative ventures and caring for my close ones. My sense of self is more flexible, yet somehow also more solid as a result.

I'm so happy to be able to celebrate this rite of passage (and I feel that's what it is) with some gorgeous little accoutrements from your online store. I feel as though I missed out on an initiation into womanhood when I first began to menstruate at age 14 - periods in my family were viewed mechanistically as problematic, pitiful and almost dirty. I was never educated about how inimical the menstrual cycle is to a woman's physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. As a result, I think I will get a lot out of the

'Woman's Quest' book in particular, and I look forward to acquiring a new literacy of self.

It's so heartening to know that there are women out there supporting other women to understand themselves and grow in their feminine power. Thank you. May your work continue to spread positive ripple of affect throughout the world of women, and beyond.

O. G. (name supplied) 12/8/2010

"I have been buying this dairy for over 10 years now and I find it is the one thing in my life that keeps me grounded and gives me a little hope when everything else in my life has gone. It lets me know that I am connected to all the other women who are using your Moon Diary and even when I feel alone that another woman somewhere is flicking through her Moon Diary looking for Hope, Inspiration and Love."

Elizabeth Morgane 4/11/'09

"I use the moon calender with huge success and want to thank you and everyone at the moondiary site -- it has given me a sense of control in my life that I didn't have before, as someone who has suffered from an 'irregular' cycle all their life. I've been plotting my cycle on the calendar for about a year now and I can now predict when I will start to bleed, rather than worrying and waiting. It might not be a perfect 28 day cycle, but it's always shortly after the first quarter. I can't express how much relief I've felt knowing this. Another unforeseen benefit is the connection it makes you feel to the moon, and the wider universe. I've felt a lot less depressed since I've been using the calendar. It's something to do with feeling connected to a greater system or cycle, and realizing how in tune I am with the world around me. It's a strange but wonderful feeling. So I really warmly thank you. I've recommended the calendar to nearly every woman I know, and I'll keep buying it each year to stick on my fridge!"


"Since discovering that the Moon Diary existed, I could not be without it. It has proven to be an invaluable resource. Congratulations on your ....... magical, mystical Moon Diary production. I look forward to your future works over many years."
N. Borgelt

"I have been using your Moon Diaries since the first one was issued .I've never considered buying any other diary because once you've discovered something you love that reflects a part of who you are, there's no turning back."
Kristin Ovidi

"I have used one each year since I first discovered them. I write something good about each day. And I keep my diaries as mementos of my life's journey. I use the moon information to plan my moonlight strolls by the ocean. I love the tales of the Goddesses and their mystical names. I never tire of the magical creative illustrations."
Marion Hancock

"I love everything about it, especially the information about pagan rites and Goddesses,The illustrations and the Menstrual Calendar.....I also love the size, ....texture."

"I was first given one 6 years ago, and since then not a year has gone by when I don't have the new one. It is such a pleasure to read all of the information and enjoy the amazing drawings. How lucky I feel to have diary that strengthens my moon bond and inspires me."
L O'Donoghue

"My moondiary is a constant companion throughout the year. I rely heavily on the menstrual calendar and the info on the movements  of the moon (our time) and I love the bits of info therein. Thank you for producing such a wonderful product.

Kaylene Vergei

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