
Shannon’s presentations give practical, inspiring, tools and tips to improving employee engagement.

Why would you ask Shannon to speak at your event?

Shannon understands and explains health and wellbeing with a comprehensive, unique and grounded approach, that will give you and your team immediate implementable tactics and inspiration to live health simply and more energetically.

Reclaiming your energy, your mojo and your vitality is not a common corporate topic.

However, increased energy, thought clarity and the capacity to manage stressful challenges is a competitive advantage that will impact the effectiveness and engagement of you and your team, it will positively impact your bottom line.

We all have a ‘busy life, but how effective are you?

Shannon’s entertaining presentation will have all appreciate the value of incorporating her five foundational principles to be the most effective you:

Nourish. Move. Laugh Often. Rest. Breathe

Shannon’s clients and audiences have proven, when you implement her advice, you can be living health simply and claim a dramatic improvement to your physical energy, mental clarity of your talents in the workplace and beyond.

Presentations can be customised to the theme of your event.

Shannon speaks each week at Australia’s award winning Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat.

She is an appointed health & wellness speaker for Conference Speakers Australia and can be contacted directly to discuss your next event.


“Practical potent information presented in a fun, interactive way, that had many inspired to take action straight away! Disappointed we only had 60 minutes, Shannon was swamped after her presentation by people wanting more”
Charlie Sutherland, Nextgen Group