Our powerful, highly-customised Leadership Development workshops are the product of a close partnership with our clients. We conduct extensive research in order to tailor our workshops to your organisational context so that they align with your current strategies.


Why your company needs resilience

Quick financial or productivity gains are impressive, but a better test of organisational wellbeing is the long-term performance of your teams and leaders. While we can’t control the change happening around us, we can immunise ourselves so that it doesn’t throw us off course. In today’s volatile market, resilience is vital to maintaining strong performances, year after year.


Using evidence-based tools developed by world-leading psychologist Dr Albert Bandura and Dr Anthony Grant, Leadership Partners’ Resilience workshops are designed to propagate powerful strategies to increase resilience throughout your organisation.

How we can help

To tailor our tools to respond to your organisation’s needs, we conduct thorough background research. Our Resilience workshops are packed with practical tools and useful strategies, grounded in real-world situations relevant to your current needs. We provide additional half-day follow-up sessions with a coach to give participants time to reinforce strategies developed during the workshop.


What you get

  • Access to indicators and measures of organisation-wide resilience
  • Leadership tools to help you cultivate resilience in your teams
  • Insight into individual resilience with a focus on what needs strengthening
  • Comprehensive, personalised self-coaching strategies to start building resilience immediately

Team Dynamics

Does your organisation have a high performance culture? Could it be better? Do you have communication challenges within your teams? Recent research suggests that there’s a direct correlation between profit margins and an organisation’s ability to balance social support and performance management.


Too much emphasis on staff wellbeing creates a lean-back culture, while excessive performance management quickly leads to burn out. Leadership Partners’ Team Dynamics workshops are designed to help managers understand the tools already at their disposal and to create quality conversations that can bring out the best in teams.

How we can help

We begin by benchmarking your organisation and teams to provide meaningful measures of your performance and communication culture. Combined with online questionnaires and in-person interviews, these findings help us tailor our tools to your organisational needs.


Our Team Dynamics workshops are grounded in your current projects, allowing participants to develop strategies that can be applied immediately. We offer additional half-day follow-up sessions to adjust strategic decisions made during the workshop.


What you get

  • Insights into your organisation’s current performance and communication culture
  • Strategies to develop a high performance culture
  • A full palette of tools to help managers nurture teams that perform at a higher level over a sustained period of time


Increasingly, the capacity to coach others is a key competency benchmark for managers and leaders. Our Leader-as-coach workshops provide leaders with opportunities to influence organisational culture and enhance team performance.

How we can help

Leadership Partners’ Leader-as-coach workshops are highly practical full-day sessions aimed at developing coaching competency in managers and leaders.


Based on narrative coaching tools developed by Dr. David Drake, these workshops employ coaching simulations embedded in each individual’s reality and grounded in participants' current challenges.


What you get

  • More well-rounded, multi-dimensional and inspiring leaders
  • An improved organisational culture in which individuals feel supported in their development
  • Clear coaching strategies for addressing current challenges
  • Leaders with an increased understanding of the value of coaching as a core competency

Bespoke Leadership
Development workshops

Strategic changes inevitably create a unique set of challenges for an organisation. Leadership Partners’ Leadership Development workshops are the most highly-customised of our facilitation offerings, addressing specific strategic goals and current management requirements.


Whether your organisation is going through structural change or implementing a fresh strategic orientation, our Leadership Development workshops can help your management team adjust to the changing landscape.

How we can help

We utilise a variety of assessment tools to identify gaps in your organisation’s leadership competencies. In particular, we investigate the quality of communication between managers and their teams, focusing on conflict resolution and change management. This helps us provide you with meaningful measures of how well your leaders cope with ambiguity, make sense of challenging environments and deal with political complexities. 


What you get

  • A more cohesive, functional management team focused on shared objectives
  • A common set of tools and language to support teams to perform at higher levels
  • Clearly identified development paths for teams and individuals
  • Ongoing internal benchmarking of established leadership competencies

Self-Leadership Lab

Leadership Partners is proud to be a distributor for Self-Leadership Lab in Australia. This innovative leadership development initiative, originally created as part of the University of Geneva’s Executive MBA program, has been expanded with great success to companies throughout Europe. More than 800 managers and senior managers have now used Self-Leadership Lab with a satisfaction rate of over 90%. 


Self-Leadership Lab is a personal development program that puts managers and executives at the core of the learning process, encouraging them to achieve greater self-knowledge and to exceed their performance indicators.


How we can help

The method aims to make managers and executives more aware of their roles, their competencies and their values. Participants leave feeling re-energised and better able to meet their goals, both in their companies and in a broader professional context. Self-Leadership Lab participants are guided through a multi-stage reflection and learning process. For each stage, there are 3 activities


What you get

  • A 45 min. video presents the key theoretical underpinnings illustrated by engaging interviews
  • An assessment tool or process is used as a springboard for self-reflection
  • A group coaching session presents opportunities for the exchange of ideas and deeper learning