Julie was a Daughter, Grand-Daughter, Daughter-In-Law, Sister, Sister-In-Law, Mother, Wife, Step-Mother, Aunty, Neice, Cousin and Friend. She was born Julie Anne Hammond on October the 30th, 1964 in Brisbane and died on the 20th July, 2000 at the age of 35 years in Maryborough, Queensland Australia.

Her immediate family includes her husband, John (deceased), her children Jake and Kasey, John's five children, her parents Pat and Syd, three siblings, myself, brother Tony and younger sister, Carolyn.

She was the kind of person who had a smile for everyone. She enjoyed life with John and their children more than anything else in the world. She was a family person who enjoyed spending quality time with each of them. She didn't have any favourites, everyone was special in her eyes.

Cherished Moments

It is the little things I cherish most about Julie. I especially miss her being there no matter what.

Special Memories

I mostly enjoyed our talks that only sisters can have. Even those silly arguments we used to have at times have their place. You know those silly arguments one has that you look back upon and laugh about.

Her Talents

She was a creative person, singing, acting, wood burning, drawing to name a few. She usually gave the things away that she made. Gifts that we will always treasure.

What I miss most about Julie

I miss everything about Julie. Not a day has gone by since she was killed that she isn't thought of.

Life just isn't the same without her in it.