// You also need to load the JS file used by the date chooser, if you choose to use this field: // // If you are using the stand-alone mode, these will be added automatically // LANGUAGE SETTING // The relative path to the language file you want to use. $language = 'lang/English.php'; // FULL URL TO SCRIPT // The full URL to dd-formmailer.php (or whatever you have renamed it to) $script_path = 'http://imaginoz.com/imaginoz-comments.html'; // FULL URL TO CONTACT PAGE // If you are running this script in standalone mode, leave this blank. Otherwise, // enter the full URL to the page that is displaying the form $path_contact_page = ''; // RECIPIENT DATA // If you are just sending email to a single address, enter it here. For more advanced // usage such as multiple recipients, CC, BCC, etc.. please see the web page for instructions $recipients = 'mike@imaginoz.com'; // FORM STRUCTURE // This is used to generate the form. Each form element must be on its own line. // Detailed usage instructions can be found on the web page $form_struct = ' type=text|class=fmtext|label=Name|fieldname=fm_name|max=100|req=true type=text|class=fmtext|label=Email|fieldname=fm_email|max=100|req=true|ver=email type=text|class=fmtext|label=Subject|fieldname=fm_subject|max=100|req=true type=verify|class=fmverify|label=Verify type=textarea|class=fmtextarea|label=Message|fieldname=fm_message|max=1000|rows=6|req=true '; // MANUAL FORM CODE // Advanced users only! please read documentation first $manual_form_code = ''; // WRAP MESSAGES // If enabled, this wraps messages to 70 chars per line (for RFC compliance) $wrap_messages = TRUE; // SAVE ATTACHMENTS // If enabled, attachments will be saved to a directory instead of emailed $attach_save = FALSE; // SAVE ATTACHMENT PATH // Where files will be saved, if attach_save is enabled // ** Full path on server. Ex: /home/user/public_html/upload/ // ** Make sure directory has write permission // ** include trailing slash $attach_path = ''; // SHOW REQUIRED // If enabled, required fields are marked with an asterisk $show_required = TRUE; // SHOW URL // If enabled, the URL the script is running from will be added to the message $show_url = FALSE; // SHOW IP AND HOSTNAME // If enabled, the visitor's IP and hostname are added to the message $show_ip_hostname = TRUE; // SPECIAL FIELDS // These options help generate the email headers. Simply enter a field name, // and the user input from that field will be used. You can also combine fields. // For example, if you have a fm_firstname and fm_lastname field, you could // set $sender_name to 'fm_lastname, fm_firstname' $sender_name = 'fm_name'; $sender_email = 'fm_email'; $email_subject = 'Contact: fm_subject'; // MAX UPLOAD SIZE // If you are using file uploads in your form, this specifies the max file size. // (This does not override any server settings you might have in PHP.ini) $max_file_size = 1000000; // in bytes // MESSAGE STRUCTURE // This is an optional setting that allows you to define your own custom message // template. More information can be found on the web page. If left blank, the script // will generate the message itself, which is generally suitable for most purposes. // You use field names in this - they will be replaced with the user input from those fields. $message_structure = ''; // SUCCESS MESSAGE // This is the text shown after the visitor has successfully submitted the form. // You use field names in this - they will be replaced with the user input from those fields. $sent_message = '

Thank you - your message has been sent.

'; // AUTO REPLY OPTION // This optional feature allows you to automatically send a pre-defined auto reply email. // To use it, simply specify the name and email address you want the message to be 'from', // as well as a subject and message. To disable, just leave $auto_reply_message blank. // You use field names in the message - they will be replaced with the user input from those fields. $auto_reply_name = ''; $auto_reply_email = ''; $auto_reply_subject = ''; $auto_reply_message = ''; // IMAGE VERIFICATION // You can disable image verification, use the simple built-in method, or use ReCaptcha // If you use ReCaptcha, sign up for a free account at http://recaptcha.net and enter the codes below $verify_method = 'basic'; // 'off', 'basic', or 'recaptcha' // BASIC IMAGE VERIFICATION OPTIONS $verify_background = 'F0F0F0'; // hex code for background color $verify_text = '005ABE'; // hex code for text color $force_type = ''; // problems showing the code? try forcing to 'gif', 'jpeg' or 'png' // RECAPTCHA IMAGE VERIFICATION OPTIONS // Public and private keys - you get these when you sign up an account at http://recaptcha.net $re_public_key = ''; $re_private_key = ''; // SAVE DATA TO FILE // If set to TRUE, the form input will be saved in a delimited file $save_to_file = FALSE; // STILL SEND EMAIL // If saving the data to a file, still have the script send the email? $save_email = TRUE; // DATA PATH // The file that will be written to - make sure it has write access $save_path = 'data.txt'; // DELIMITER // Fields will be separated by this character. If this character is found in // the actual data, it will be removed. $save_delimiter = '|'; // NEWLINES // Newlines in the data will be replaced by this $save_newlines = "
"; // TIMESTAMP // Add date/time to the beginning of each line // Uses the PHP date format: http://us.php.net/date // Leave blank to disable this feature $save_timestamp = "m-d-Y h:i:s A"; /* ** END OF OPTIONS */ if (!defined('PHP_EOL')) define ('PHP_EOL', strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == 'WIN') ? "\r\n" : "\n"); if (trim($path_contact_page) == '') { $path_contact_page = $script_path; } $verify_method = strtolower($verify_method); /* Convert hex color code to R, G, B */ function ddfm_hex_to_rgb($h) { $h = trim($h, "#"); $color = array(); if (strlen($h) == 6) { $color[] = (int)hexdec(substr($h, 0, 2)); $color[] = (int)hexdec(substr($h, 2, 2)); $color[] = (int)hexdec(substr($h, 4, 2)); } else if (strlen($h) == 3) { $color[] = (int)hexdec(substr($h, 0, 1) . substr($h, 0, 1)); $color[] = (int)hexdec(substr($h, 1, 1) . substr($h, 1, 1)); $color[] = (int)hexdec(substr($h, 2, 1) . substr($h, 2, 1)); } return $color; } /* Handle requests for verification code */ if (isset($_GET['v'])) { if ($_GET['v'] == '1') { $this_domain = preg_replace("/^www\./", "", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); // Choose image type $type = ''; if (function_exists("imagegif")) { $type = 'gif'; } else if (function_exists("imagejpeg")) { $type = 'jpeg'; } else if (function_exists("imagepng")) { $type = 'png'; } if (trim($force_type) != '') { $type = $force_type; } // Generate verification code srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $ddfmcode = substr(strtoupper(md5(rand(0, 999999999))), 2, 5); $ddfmcode = str_replace("O", "A", $ddfmcode); // for clarity $ddfmcode = str_replace("0", "B", $ddfmcode); setcookie("ddfmcode", md5($ddfmcode), time()+3600, '/', '.' . $this_domain); // Generate image header("Content-type: image/" . $type); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: Mon, 1 Jan 2000 01:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past $image = imagecreate(60, 24); list($br, $bg, $bb) = ddfm_hex_to_rgb($verify_background); list($rr, $rg, $rb) = ddfm_hex_to_rgb($verify_text); $background_color = imagecolorallocate($image, $br, $bg, $bb); $text_color = imagecolorallocate($image, $rr, $rg, $rb); imagestring($image, 5, 8, 4, $ddfmcode, $text_color); switch ($type) { case 'gif': imagegif($image); break; case 'png': imagepng($image); break; case 'jpeg': imagejpeg($image, NULL, 100); break; } imagedestroy($image); exit(); } } // Load language settings @include_once($language); /* Check for GD support */ function ddfm_check_gd_support() { if (extension_loaded("gd") && (function_exists("imagegif") || function_exists("imagepng") || function_exists("imagejpeg"))) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /* Safe str_replace */ function ddfm_str_replace($search, $replace, $subject) { if (isset($search)) { return str_replace($search, $replace, $subject); } else { return $subject; } } /* Check for valid URL */ function ddfm_is_valid_url($link) { if (strpos($link, "http://") === FALSE) { $link = "http://" . $link; } $url_parts = @parse_url($link); if (empty($url_parts["host"])) return( false ); if (!empty($url_parts["path"])) { $documentpath = $url_parts["path"]; } else { $documentpath = "/"; } if (!empty($url_parts["query"])) { $documentpath .= "?" . $url_parts["query"]; } $host = $url_parts["host"]; $port = $url_parts["port"]; if (empty($port)) $port = "80"; $socket = @fsockopen( $host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30 ); if (!$socket) { return(false); } else { fwrite ($socket, "HEAD ".$documentpath." HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\nUser-Agent: DDFMVerify\r\n\r\n"); $http_response = fgets( $socket, 22 ); if (ereg("200 OK", $http_response, $regs)) { return(true); fclose($socket); } else { return(false); } } } /* Check for valid email address */ function dd_is_valid_email($email) { $validator = new EmailAddressValidator; if ($validator->check_email_address($email)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /* EmailAddressValidator Class http://code.google.com/p/php-email-address-validation/ Released under New BSD license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php */ class EmailAddressValidator { /** * Check email address validity * @param strEmailAddress Email address to be checked * @return True if email is valid, false if not */ function check_email_address($strEmailAddress) { // If magic quotes is "on", email addresses with quote marks will // fail validation because of added escape characters. Uncommenting // the next three lines will allow for this issue. //if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { // $strEmailAddress = stripslashes($strEmailAddress); //} // Control characters are not allowed if (preg_match('/[\x00-\x1F\x7F-\xFF]/', $strEmailAddress)) { return false; } // Split it into sections using last instance of "@" $intAtSymbol = strrpos($strEmailAddress, '@'); if ($intAtSymbol === false) { // No "@" symbol in email. return false; } $arrEmailAddress[0] = substr($strEmailAddress, 0, $intAtSymbol); $arrEmailAddress[1] = substr($strEmailAddress, $intAtSymbol + 1); // Count the "@" symbols. Only one is allowed, except where // contained in quote marks in the local part. Quickest way to // check this is to remove anything in quotes. $arrTempAddress[0] = preg_replace('/"[^"]+"/' ,'' ,$arrEmailAddress[0]); $arrTempAddress[1] = $arrEmailAddress[1]; $strTempAddress = $arrTempAddress[0] . $arrTempAddress[1]; // Then check - should be no "@" symbols. if (strrpos($strTempAddress, '@') !== false) { // "@" symbol found return false; } // Check local portion if (!$this->check_local_portion($arrEmailAddress[0])) { return false; } // Check domain portion if (!$this->check_domain_portion($arrEmailAddress[1])) { return false; } // If we're still here, all checks above passed. Email is valid. return true; } /** * Checks email section before "@" symbol for validity * @param strLocalPortion Text to be checked * @return True if local portion is valid, false if not */ function check_local_portion($strLocalPortion) { // Local portion can only be from 1 to 64 characters, inclusive. // Please note that servers are encouraged to accept longer local // parts than 64 characters. if (!$this->check_text_length($strLocalPortion, 1, 64)) { return false; } // Local portion must be: // 1) a dot-atom (strings separated by periods) // 2) a quoted string // 3) an obsolete format string (combination of the above) $arrLocalPortion = explode('.', $strLocalPortion); for ($i = 0, $max = sizeof($arrLocalPortion); $i < $max; $i++) { if (!preg_match('.^(' . '([A-Za-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]' . '[A-Za-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]{0,63})' .'|' . '("[^\\\"]{0,62}")' .')$.' ,$arrLocalPortion[$i])) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Checks email section after "@" symbol for validity * @param strDomainPortion Text to be checked * @return True if domain portion is valid, false if not */ function check_domain_portion($strDomainPortion) { // Total domain can only be from 1 to 255 characters, inclusive if (!$this->check_text_length($strDomainPortion, 1, 255)) { return false; } // Check if domain is IP, possibly enclosed in square brackets. if (preg_match('/^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])' .'(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])){3}$/' ,$strDomainPortion) || preg_match('/^\[(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])' .'(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])){3}\]$/' ,$strDomainPortion)) { return true; } else { $arrDomainPortion = explode('.', $strDomainPortion); if (sizeof($arrDomainPortion) < 2) { return false; // Not enough parts to domain } for ($i = 0, $max = sizeof($arrDomainPortion); $i < $max; $i++) { // Each portion must be between 1 and 63 characters, inclusive if (!$this->check_text_length($arrDomainPortion[$i], 1, 63)) { return false; } if (!preg_match('/^(([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])|' .'([A-Za-z0-9]+))$/', $arrDomainPortion[$i])) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Check given text length is between defined bounds * @param strText Text to be checked * @param intMinimum Minimum acceptable length * @param intMaximum Maximum acceptable length * @return True if string is within bounds (inclusive), false if not */ function check_text_length($strText, $intMinimum, $intMaximum) { // Minimum and maximum are both inclusive $intTextLength = strlen($strText); if (($intTextLength < $intMinimum) || ($intTextLength > $intMaximum)) { return false; } else { return true; } } } /* Check for injection characters */ function ddfm_injection_chars($s) { return (eregi("\r", $s) || eregi("\n", $s) || eregi("%0a", $s) || eregi("%0d", $s)) ? TRUE : FALSE; } /* Make output safe for the browser */ function ddfm_bsafe($input) { return htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($input)); } function ddfm_stripslashes($s) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { return stripslashes($s); } else { return $s; } } function ddfm_injection_test($str) { $tests = array("/bcc\:/i", "/Content\-Type\:/i", "/Mime\-Version\:/i", "/cc\:/i", "/from\:/i", "/to\:/i", "/Content\-Transfer\-Encoding\:/i"); return preg_replace($tests, "", $str); } function ddfm_send_mail($recipients, $sender_name, $sender_email, $email_subject, $email_msg, $attach_save, $attach_path, $attachments = false) { $extra_recips = ''; // generate recipient data from list if (strpos($recipients, '|')) { $rdata = array(); $ri = 0; $rtmp = explode('|', $recipients); foreach ($rtmp as $rd) { if (trim($rd) != "") { list($m, $e) = (array)explode("=", trim($rd), 2); $rdata[$ri]['m'] = trim(strtolower($m)); $rdata[$ri]['e'] = trim($e); $ri++; } } rsort($rdata); $r_to = array(); $extra_recips = ""; foreach ($rdata as $r) { if ($r['m'] == 'to') $r_to[] = $r['e']; if ($r['m'] == 'cc') $extra_recips .= 'cc: ' . $r['e'] . PHP_EOL; if ($r['m'] == 'bcc') $extra_recips .= 'bcc: ' . $r['e'] . PHP_EOL; } $send_to = implode(', ', $r_to); } else { $send_to = trim($recipients); } $sender_name = ddfm_injection_test($sender_name); $sender_email = ddfm_injection_test($sender_email); $email_subject = ddfm_injection_test($email_subject); if (function_exists('mb_encode_mimeheader')) { $email_subject = mb_encode_mimeheader($email_subject, 'UTF-8', 'Q', ''); $sender_name = mb_encode_mimeheader($sender_name, 'UTF-8', 'Q', ''); } if (trim($sender_name) == "") { $sender_name = 'Anonymous'; } if (trim($sender_email) == "") { $sender_email = 'user@domain.com'; } if (trim($email_subject) == "") { $email_subject = 'Contact Form'; } $mime_boundary = md5(time()); $headers = ''; $msg = ''; $headers .= 'From: ' . $sender_name . ' <' . $sender_email . '>' . PHP_EOL; $headers .= $extra_recips; $headers .= 'Reply-To: ' . $sender_name . ' <' . $sender_email . '>' . PHP_EOL; $headers .= 'Return-Path: ' . $sender_name . ' <' . $sender_email . '>' . PHP_EOL; $headers .= "Message-ID: <" . time() . "ddfm@" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ">" . PHP_EOL; $headers .= 'X-Sender-IP: ' . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . PHP_EOL; $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP v" . phpversion() . PHP_EOL; $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . PHP_EOL; // $headers .= 'Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="' . $mime_boundary . '"'; $headers .= 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="' . $mime_boundary . '"'; $msg .= '--' . $mime_boundary . PHP_EOL; $msg .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"' . PHP_EOL; // $msg .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"' . PHP_EOL; $msg .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $msg .= $email_msg . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; if (count($attachments) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($attachments); $i++) { if (is_file($attachments[$i]['tmpfile'])) { if ($attach_save) { if (!rename($attachments[$i]['tmpfile'], $attach_path . $attachments[$i]['file'])) { echo 'Error saving file. Check your path and permissions. Stopping script.'; exit(); } } else { $handle = fopen($attachments[$i]['tmpfile'], 'rb'); $f_contents = fread($handle, filesize($attachments[$i]['tmpfile'])); $f_contents = chunk_split(base64_encode($f_contents)); fclose($handle); $msg .= '--' . $mime_boundary . PHP_EOL; $msg .= 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="' . $attachments[$i]['file'] . '"' . PHP_EOL; $msg .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . PHP_EOL; $msg .= 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $attachments[$i]['file'] . '"' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $msg .= $f_contents . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } } } } $msg .= '--' . $mime_boundary . '--' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; @ini_set('sendmail_from', $sender_email); $send_status = mail($send_to, $email_subject, $msg, $headers); @ini_restore('sendmail_from'); return $send_status; } $form_input = array(); // START of functions to show form output function ddfm_gen_html($item) { // type=html|text= $gen = $item['text'] . "\n"; return $gen; } function ddfm_gen_date($item) { // type=date|class=|label=|fieldname=|req=(TRUEFALSE) global $form_submitted, $form_input, $show_required; $req_text = (($show_required) && ($item['req'] == 'true')) ? '' . DDFM_REQUIREDTAG . ' ' : ''; $gen = ""; $gen .= '

'; $gen .= ''; global $script_path; $i = strrpos($script_path, "/"); $tmp_path = substr($script_path, 0, $i); // $gen .= ''; $gen .= ''; $gen .='

' . "\n\n"; return $gen; } function ddfm_gen_text($item) { // type=text|class=|label=|fieldname=|max=|req=(TRUEFALSE)|[ver=]|[default=] global $form_submitted, $form_input, $show_required; $req_text = (($show_required) && ($item['req'] == 'true')) ? '' . DDFM_REQUIREDTAG . ' ' : ''; $gen = ""; $gen .= '

'; $gen .= '

' . "\n\n"; return $gen; } function ddfm_gen_password($item) { // type=password|class=|label=|fieldname=|max=|req=(TRUEFALSE)|confirm=(TRUEFALSE) global $form_submitted, $form_input, $show_required; $req_text = (($show_required) && $item['req'] == 'true') ? '' . DDFM_REQUIREDTAG . ' ' : ''; $gen = ""; $gen .= '

' . "\n"; $gen .= '

' . "\n\n"; if ($item['confirm'] == 'true') { // Duplicate field (add 'c' to end) $gen .= '

' . "\n"; $gen .= '

' . "\n\n"; } return $gen; } function ddfm_gen_textarea($item) { // type=textarea|class=|label=|fieldname=|max=|rows=|req=(TRUEFALSE)|[default=] global $form_submitted, $form_input, $show_required; $req_text = (($show_required) && $item['req'] == 'true') ? '' . DDFM_REQUIREDTAG . ' ' : ''; $gen = ""; $gen .= '

' . "\n"; $gen .= '

' . "\n\n"; return $gen; } function ddfm_gen_widetextarea($item) { // type=widetextarea|class=|label=|fieldname=|max=|rows=|req=(TRUEFALSE)|[default=] global $form_submitted, $form_input, $show_required; $req_text = (($show_required) && $item['req'] == 'true') ? '' . DDFM_REQUIREDTAG . ' ' : ''; $gen = ""; $gen .= '

' . "\n"; $gen .= '

' . "\n\n"; return $gen; } function ddfm_gen_verify($item) { // type=verify|class=|label= global $verify_method, $show_required, $script_path; if ($verify_method != 'basic') return ''; $req_text = ($show_required) ? '' . DDFM_REQUIREDTAG . ' ' : ''; $gen = ""; if (ddfm_check_gd_support()) { $gen .= '

' . "\n"; $gen .= '' . "\n"; $gen .= '' . $item['label'] . ''; $gen .= '

' . "\n\n"; } return $gen; } function ddfm_gen_fullblock($item) { // type=fullblock|class=|text= $gen = ""; $gen .= '

' . "\n"; $gen .= $item['text'] . "\n"; $gen .= '

' . "\n\n"; return $gen; } function ddfm_gen_halfblock($item) { // type=halfblock|class=|text= $gen = ""; $gen .= '

' . "\n"; $gen .= $item['text'] . "\n"; $gen .= '

' . "\n\n"; return $gen; } function ddfm_gen_openfieldset($item) { // type=openfieldset|legend= $gen = ""; $gen .= '
' . ddfm_bsafe($item['legend']) . '' . "\n\n"; return $gen; } function ddfm_gen_closefieldset($item) { // type=closefieldset $gen = ""; $gen .= '
' . "\n\n"; return $gen; } function ddfm_gen_checkbox($item) { // type=checkbox|class=|label=|data= // (fieldname),(text),(CHECKED),(REQUIRED), // (fieldname),(text),(CHECKED),(REQUIRED), // (fieldname),(text),(CHECKED),(REQUIRED) global $form_submitted, $form_input, $show_required; // ### added following line, add by MG ### $req_text = (($show_required) && $item['req'] == 'true') ? '' . DDFM_REQUIREDTAG . ' ' : ''; $gen = ""; // ### added $req_text to the following line, add by MG ### $gen .= '

' . "\n"; $item['data'] = str_replace(",,", "C0mM@", $item['data']); $data = explode(",", trim($item['data'])); $data = str_replace("C0mM@", ",", $data); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($data); $i+=4) { $req_text = (($show_required) && ($data[$i+3] == 'true')) ? ' ' . DDFM_REQUIREDTAG . '' : ''; $gen .= '' . $data[$i + 1] . $req_text . '' . "\n"; $gen .= '
'; } $gen .= '

' . "\n\n"; return $gen; } function ddfm_gen_radio($item) { // type=radio|class=|label=|fieldname=|req=|[default=]|data= // (text),(text),(text) global $form_submitted, $form_input, $show_required; $req_text = (($show_required) && ($item['req'] == 'true')) ? '' . DDFM_REQUIREDTAG . ' ' : ''; $gen = ""; $gen .= '

' . "\n"; $c = 1; $item['data'] = str_replace(",,", "C0mM@", $item['data']); $data = explode(",", trim($item['data'])); $data = str_replace("C0mM@", ",", $data); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($data); $i++) { $gen .= '' . $data[$i] . '' . "\n"; $gen .= '
'; $c++; } $gen .= '

' . "\n\n"; return $gen; } function ddfm_gen_select($item) { // type=select|class=|label=|fieldname=|multi=(TRUEFALSE)|data= // (#group),(text),(text),(#group),(text),(text) global $form_submitted, $form_input, $show_required; $req_text = (($show_required) && ($item['req'] == 'true')) ? '' . DDFM_REQUIREDTAG . ' ' : ''; $gen = ""; $gen .= '

' . "\n\n"; return $gen; } function ddfm_gen_file($item) { // type=file|class=|label=|fieldname=|req=(TRUEFALSE)|[allowed=1,2,3] global $form_submitted, $form_input, $show_required, $max_file_size; $req_text = (($show_required) && ($item['req'] == 'true')) ? '' . DDFM_REQUIREDTAG . ' ' : ''; $gen = ""; $gen .= '

' . "\n"; $gen .= '' . DDFM_REQUIREDTAG . ' ' : ''; $gen = ""; $gen .= '

' . "\n\n"; return $gen; } // END of functions to show form output /* Generate the script output */ // convert $form_struct into array of strings $form_struct = (array)explode('
', nl2br(trim($form_struct))); // Prepare globals $form_submitted = FALSE; $message_sent = FALSE; // Prepare output $o = "\n\n\n" . '' . "\n\n"; // Convert form structure to multi-dimensional array $fs_tmp1 = array(); $fs_tmp2 = array(); $fitem = 0; foreach ($form_struct as $fs) { if (trim($fs) != "") { $fs_tmp1 = (array)explode("|", trim($fs)); foreach ($fs_tmp1 as $fs1) { list($k, $v) = (array)explode("=", trim($fs1), 2); $fs_tmp2[$fitem][$k] = $v; } } $fitem++; } $form_struct = $fs_tmp2; // Make sure form structure is not missing empty keys $valid_keys = array('fieldname', 'type', 'req', 'label', 'max', 'ver', 'confirm', 'data', 'multi', 'allowed', 'default'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($form_struct); $i++) { foreach ($valid_keys as $k) { if (!isset($form_struct[$i][$k])) $form_struct[$i][$k] = NULL; } } // Do a quick check to make sure there are no duplicate field names $dd_unique_fields = array(); $dd_unique_test = TRUE; foreach ($form_struct as $fs) { if ($dd_unique_test && ($fs['fieldname'] != NULL) && (in_array($fs['fieldname'], $dd_unique_fields))) { $dd_unique_test = FALSE; } else { $dd_unique_fields[] = $fs['fieldname']; } } if (!$dd_unique_test) { echo '

*** ERROR - You have duplicate fieldnames in your form structure ***

'; } // Was form submitted? if (isset($_POST["form_submitted"])) { $form_submitted = TRUE; $mail_message = ""; $csv = ""; $orig_auto_reply_message = $auto_reply_message; $auto_reply_message = ''; // make correct encoding in auto - sokai - BEGIN $mime_boundary = md5(time()); $auto_reply_message .= '--' . $mime_boundary . PHP_EOL; $auto_reply_message .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"' . PHP_EOL; $auto_reply_message .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; // make correct encoding in auto - sokai - END $attached_files = array(); $attached_index = 0; $sel_recip = NULL; $message_structure = trim($message_structure); $auto_reply_message .= $orig_auto_reply_message; unset($errors); $errors = array(); if ($verify_method == 'recaptcha') { @include_once('recaptchalib.php'); $privatekey = $re_private_key; $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]); if (!$resp->is_valid) { $errors[] = DDFM_INVALIDVER; } } // Get form input and put in array foreach ($_POST as $key => $i) { if ($key != "form_submitted") { if (!is_array($i)) { $form_input[strtolower($key)] = trim($i); } else { $form_input[strtolower($key)] = $i; } } } $msg_field_sep = ': '; $msg_field_line_end = "\n\n"; $fsindex = -1; // Validate input foreach ($form_struct as $fs) { if (!isset($form_input[$fs['fieldname']])) { $form_input[$fs['fieldname']] = ''; } $fsindex++; // check for fields used in vars if (isset($form_input[$fs['fieldname']])) { $sender_name = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], ddfm_stripslashes($form_input[$fs['fieldname']]), $sender_name); $sender_email = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], ddfm_stripslashes($form_input[$fs['fieldname']]), $sender_email); $email_subject = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], ddfm_stripslashes($form_input[$fs['fieldname']]), $email_subject); } switch ($fs['type']) { case 'date': // type=date|class=|label=|fieldname=|req=(TRUEFALSE) $t = ddfm_stripslashes($form_input[$fs['fieldname']]); if ((strtolower($fs['req']) == 'true') && ($t == "")) { $errors[] = DDFM_MISSINGFIELD . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } else if (ddfm_injection_chars($t)) { $errors[] = DDFM_INVALIDINPUT . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } $csv .= str_replace($save_delimiter, ' ', $t) . $save_delimiter; $mail_message .= $fs['label'] . $msg_field_sep . $t . $msg_field_line_end; $message_structure = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $t, $message_structure); $auto_reply_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $t, $auto_reply_message); $sent_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], ddfm_bsafe($t), $sent_message); break; case 'text': // type=text|class=|label=|fieldname=|max=|req=(TRUEFALSE)|[ver=]|[default=] $t = ddfm_stripslashes($form_input[$fs['fieldname']]); if ((strtolower($fs['req']) == 'true') && ($t == "")) { $errors[] = DDFM_MISSINGFIELD . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } else if (strlen($t) > (int)$fs['max']) { $errors[] = $fs['max'] . ' ' . DDFM_MAXCHARLIMIT . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } else if (ddfm_injection_chars($t)) { $errors[] = DDFM_INVALIDINPUT . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } else if ((strtolower($fs['ver']) == 'email') && ((strtolower($fs['req']) == "true") || ($t != ""))) { if (!dd_is_valid_email($t)) $errors[] = DDFM_INVALIDEMAIL . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } else if ((strtolower($fs['ver']) == 'url') && ((strtolower($fs['req']) == "true") || ($t != ""))) { if (!ddfm_is_valid_url($t)) $errors[] = DDFM_INVALIDURL . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } $csv .= str_replace($save_delimiter, ' ', $t) . $save_delimiter; $mail_message .= $fs['label'] . $msg_field_sep . $t . $msg_field_line_end; $message_structure = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $t, $message_structure); $auto_reply_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $t, $auto_reply_message); $sent_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], ddfm_bsafe($t), $sent_message); break; case 'password': // type=password|class=|label=|fieldname=|max=|req=(TRUEFALSE)|confirm=(TRUEFALSE) $t = ddfm_stripslashes($form_input[$fs['fieldname']]); if ((strtolower($fs['req']) == 'true') && ($t == "")) { $errors[] = DDFM_MISSINGFIELD . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } else if (strlen($t) > (int)$fs['max']) { $errors[] = $fs['max'] . ' ' . DDFM_MAXCHARLIMIT . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } else if (ddfm_injection_chars($t)) { $errors[] = DDFM_INVALIDINPUT . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } else if (strtolower($fs['confirm']) == 'true') { $tc = ddfm_stripslashes($form_input[$fs['fieldname'] . 'c']); if ($t != $tc) $errors[] = DDFM_NOMATCH . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } $csv .= str_replace($save_delimiter, ' ', $t) . $save_delimiter; $mail_message .= $fs['label'] . $msg_field_sep . $t . $msg_field_line_end; $message_structure = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $t, $message_structure); $auto_reply_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $t, $auto_reply_message); $sent_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], ddfm_bsafe($t), $sent_message); break; case 'textarea': case 'widetextarea': // type=textarea|class=|label=|fieldname=|max=|rows=|req=(TRUEFALSE)|[default=] $t = ddfm_stripslashes($form_input[$fs['fieldname']]); if ((strtolower($fs['req']) == 'true') && ($t == "")) { $errors[] = DDFM_MISSINGFIELD . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } else if (strlen($t) > (int)$fs['max']) { $errors[] = $fs['max'] . ' ' . DDFM_MAXCHARLIMIT . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } $csv .= str_replace($save_delimiter, ' ', $t) . $save_delimiter; $mail_message .= $fs['label'] . $msg_field_sep . $t . $msg_field_line_end; $message_structure = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $t, $message_structure); $auto_reply_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $t, $auto_reply_message); $sent_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], ddfm_bsafe($t), $sent_message); break; case 'verify': // type=verify|class=|label= if ($verify_method == 'basic') { $t = ddfm_stripslashes($form_input['fm_verify']); if ($t == "") { $errors[] = DDFM_MISSINGVER; } else if (trim($_COOKIE["ddfmcode"]) == "") { $errors[] = DDFM_NOVERGEN; } else if ($_COOKIE["ddfmcode"] != md5(strtoupper($t))) { $errors[] = DDFM_INVALIDVER; } } break; case 'checkbox': // type=checkbox|class=|label=|data= // (fieldname),(text),(CHECKED),(REQUIRED), // (fieldname),(text),(CHECKED),(REQUIRED), // (fieldname),(text),(CHECKED),(REQUIRED) // ### following three lines edited in order to have commas in the values, add by MG ### $fs['data'] = str_replace(",,", "C0mM@", $fs['data']); $data = explode(",", trim($fs['data'])); $data = str_replace("C0mM@", ",", $data); $tmp_msg = array(); $checkBoxChecked = false; //### added by MG ### for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i+=4) { $t = ''; if (isset($form_input[$data[$i]])) { $t = ddfm_stripslashes(trim($form_input[$data[$i]])); } if ((strtolower($data[$i+3]) == 'true') && ($t == "")) { $errors[] = DDFM_MISSINGFIELD . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } if ($t != "") { $tmp_msg[] = $t; $checkBoxChecked = true; //### added by MG ### } $message_structure = ddfm_str_replace($data[$i], $t, $message_structure); $auto_reply_message = ddfm_str_replace($data[$i], $t, $auto_reply_message); $sent_message = ddfm_str_replace($data[$i], ddfm_bsafe($t), $sent_message); } // ### start of changes by MG ### if ((strtolower($fs['req']) == 'true') && !$checkBoxChecked) { $errors[] = DDFM_MISSINGFIELD . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } // ### end of changes by MG ### $csv .= str_replace($save_delimiter, ' ', implode(', ', $tmp_msg)) . $save_delimiter; $mail_message .= $fs['label'] . $msg_field_sep . implode(', ', $tmp_msg) . $msg_field_line_end; break; case 'radio': // type=radio|class=|label=|fieldname=|req=|[default=]|data= // (text),(text),(text),(text) $t = ddfm_stripslashes(trim($form_input[$fs['fieldname']])); if ((strtolower($fs['req']) == 'true') && ($t == "")) { $errors[] = DDFM_MISSINGFIELD . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } $csv .= str_replace($save_delimiter, ' ', $t) . $save_delimiter; $mail_message .= $fs['label'] . $msg_field_sep . $t . $msg_field_line_end; $message_structure = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $t, $message_structure); $auto_reply_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $t, $auto_reply_message); $sent_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], ddfm_bsafe($t), $sent_message); break; case 'select': // type=select|class=|label=|fieldname=|multi=(TRUEFALSE)|data= // (#group),(text),(text),(#group),(text),(text) $data = explode(",", trim($fs['data'])); if (strtolower($fs['multi']) != 'true') { $t = ddfm_stripslashes($form_input[$fs['fieldname']]); $first_item = $data[0]; if ((strtolower($fs['req']) == 'true') && (($t == "") || ($t == $first_item))) { $errors[] = DDFM_MISSINGFIELD . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } $csv .= str_replace($save_delimiter, ' ', $t) . $save_delimiter; $mail_message .= $fs['label'] . $msg_field_sep . $t . $msg_field_line_end; $message_structure = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $t, $message_structure); $auto_reply_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $t, $auto_reply_message); $sent_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], ddfm_bsafe($t), $sent_message); } else { // multi = true $t = (array)$form_input[$fs['fieldname']]; if ((count($t) == 1) && ($t[0] == '')) { unset($t[0]); } if ((strtolower($fs['req']) == 'true') && (count($t) == 0)) { $errors[] = DDFM_MISSINGFIELD . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } $tmp_msg = array(); foreach ($t as $tt) { if ($tt != "") $tmp_msg[] = $tt; } $csv .= str_replace($save_delimiter, ' ', implode(', ', $tmp_msg)) . $save_delimiter; $mail_message .= $fs['label'] . $msg_field_sep . implode(', ', $tmp_msg) . $msg_field_line_end; $message_structure = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], implode(', ', $tmp_msg), $message_structure); $auto_reply_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], implode(', ', $tmp_msg), $auto_reply_message); $sent_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], ddfm_bsafe(implode(', ', $tmp_msg)), $sent_message); } break; case 'file': // type=file|class=|label=|fieldname=|[req=]|[allowed=1,2,3] if ((strtolower($fs['req']) == 'true') && (($_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name'] == ""))) { $errors[] = DDFM_MISSINGFILE . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } $allowed = array(); if (trim($fs['allowed']) != "") { $allowed = (array)explode(",", trim(strtolower($fs['allowed']))); } if (($_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name'] != "") && ((int)$_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['size'] == 0)) { $errors[] = DDFM_FILETOOBIG . ' ' . $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name']; } else if ($_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['tmp_name'] != "") { if (($_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) && ($_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['size'] > 0)) { $origfilename = $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name']; $filename = explode(".", $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name']); $filenameext = $filename[count($filename) - 1]; unset($filename[count($filename) - 1]); $filename = implode(".", $filename); $filename = substr($filename, 0, 15) . "." . $filenameext; $file_ext_allow = TRUE; if (count($allowed) > 0) { $file_ext_allow = FALSE; for ($x = 0; $x < count($allowed); $x++) { if (strtolower($filenameext) == strtolower($allowed[$x])) { $file_ext_allow = TRUE; } } } if ($file_ext_allow) { if((int)$_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['size'] < $max_file_size) { $attached_files[$attached_index]['file'] = $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name']; $attached_files[$attached_index]['tmpfile'] = $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['tmp_name']; $attached_files[$attached_index]['content_type'] = $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['type']; $attached_index++; $csv .= str_replace($save_delimiter, ' ', $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name']) . $save_delimiter; if (!$attach_save) { $mail_message .= DDFM_ATTACHED . $msg_field_sep . $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name'] . $msg_field_line_end; } else { $mail_message .= $fs['label'] . $msg_field_sep . $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name'] . $msg_field_line_end; } $message_structure = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name'], $message_structure); $auto_reply_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name'], $auto_reply_message); $sent_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name'], $sent_message); } else { $errors[] = DDFM_FILETOOBIG . ' ' . $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name']; } } else { $errors[] = DDFM_INVALIDEXT . ' ' . $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name']; } } else { $errors[] = DDFM_UPLOADERR . ' ' . $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name']; } } /* handled above $csv .= str_replace($save_delimiter, ' ', $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name']) . $save_delimiter; $mail_message .= $fs['label'] . $msg_field_sep . $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name'] . $msg_field_line_end; $message_structure = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name'], $message_structure); $auto_reply_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name'], $auto_reply_message); $sent_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], $_FILES[$fs['fieldname']]['name'], $sent_message); */ break; case 'selrecip': // type=selrecip|class=|label=|data=(select),User1,user1@domain.com,User2 etc.. $data = explode(",", trim($fs['data'])); $t = ddfm_stripslashes($form_input['fm_selrecip']); if (($t == "") || ($t == $data[0])) { $errors[] = DDFM_MISSINGFIELD . " '" . $fs['label'] . "'"; } else { for ($i = 1; $i < count($data); $i+=2) { if ($data[$i] == $t) { $sel_recip = trim($data[$i+1]); } } } break; } } // make sure no un-used fieldnames are left in template foreach ($form_struct as $fs) { $message_structure = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], '', $message_structure); $auto_reply_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], '', $auto_reply_message); $sent_message = ddfm_str_replace($fs['fieldname'], '', $sent_message); } if (ddfm_injection_chars($sender_name)) $errors[] = DDFM_INVALIDINPUT; if (ddfm_injection_chars($sender_email)) $errors[] = DDFM_INVALIDINPUT; if (ddfm_injection_chars($email_subject)) $errors[] = DDFM_INVALIDINPUT; if ($errors) { $o .= '
'; $o .= '
'; foreach ($errors as $err) { $o .= $err . '
'; } $o .= '
'; } else { if ($wrap_messages) { $mail_message = wordwrap($mail_message, 70); } if ($recipients == 'selrecip') { $recipients = $sel_recip; } // if template exists, use it instead if (strlen(trim($message_structure)) > 0) { $mail_message = $message_structure . "\n\n"; } if ($show_ip_hostname) { $mail_message .= 'IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'HOST: ' . gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . "\n"; } $sndmsg = TRUE; if (($save_to_file == TRUE) && ($save_email == FALSE)) { $sndmsg = FALSE; } $csv = str_replace("\n", $save_newlines, $csv); $csv = str_replace("\r", '', $csv); $csv = substr($csv, 0, strlen($csv) - strlen($save_delimiter)); if (trim($save_timestamp) != '') { $csv = date($save_timestamp) . $save_delimiter . $csv; } if (is_writable($save_path)) { $handle = fopen($save_path, 'a+'); fwrite($handle, $csv . "\n"); fclose($handle); } if ($show_url == TRUE) { $mail_message .= "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } if ($sndmsg == TRUE) { if (ddfm_send_mail($recipients, $sender_name, $sender_email, $email_subject, $mail_message, $attach_save, $attach_path, $attached_files)) { $o .= $sent_message; $auto_reply_name = trim($auto_reply_name); $auto_reply_email = trim($auto_reply_email); $auto_reply_subject = trim($auto_reply_subject); $auto_reply_message = trim($auto_reply_message); if (($orig_auto_reply_message != "") && (trim($sender_email != ""))) { $auto_reply_headers = ''; $auto_reply_headers .= 'From: ' . $auto_reply_name . ' <' . $auto_reply_email . '>' . PHP_EOL; $auto_reply_headers .= 'Reply-To: ' . $auto_reply_name . ' <' . $auto_reply_email . '>' . PHP_EOL; $auto_reply_headers .= 'Return-Path: ' . $auto_reply_name . ' <' . $auto_reply_email . '>' . PHP_EOL;; $auto_reply_headers .= "Message-ID: <" . time() . "ddfm@" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ">" . PHP_EOL; $auto_reply_headers .= 'X-Sender-IP: ' . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . PHP_EOL; $auto_reply_headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP v" . phpversion() . PHP_EOL; $auto_reply_headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . PHP_EOL; $auto_reply_headers .= 'Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="' . $mime_boundary . '"'; /*$auto_reply_headers .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8';*/ // make correct encoding in auto - sokai - BEGIN //$auto_reply_message .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $auto_reply_message .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '--' . $mime_boundary . '--' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; // make correct encoding in auto - sokai - END mail($sender_email, $auto_reply_subject, $auto_reply_message, $auto_reply_headers); } $message_sent = TRUE; $_POST = array(); } else { $o .= DDFM_SERVERERR; $message_sent = FALSE; } } else { $o .= $sent_message; } } } // end of form submission processing // Generate form if message has not been sent if (!$message_sent) { if ($verify_method == 'basic' && !ddfm_check_gd_support()) { $o .= DDFM_GDERROR; } if (trim($manual_form_code) == '') { // ** Use normal form generation $o .= '
'; $o .= '
' . "\n\n"; // Loop through form items foreach ($form_struct as $f_i) { switch ($f_i['type']) { case 'html': $o .= ddfm_gen_html($f_i); break; case 'date': $o .= ddfm_gen_date($f_i); break; case 'text': $o .= ddfm_gen_text($f_i); break; case 'password': $o .= ddfm_gen_password($f_i); break; case 'textarea': $o .= ddfm_gen_textarea($f_i); break; case 'widetextarea': $o .= ddfm_gen_widetextarea($f_i); break; case 'verify': $o .= ddfm_gen_verify($f_i); break; case 'fullblock': $o .= ddfm_gen_fullblock($f_i); break; case 'halfblock': $o .= ddfm_gen_halfblock($f_i); break; case 'openfieldset': $o .= ddfm_gen_openfieldset($f_i); break; case 'closefieldset': $o .= ddfm_gen_closefieldset($f_i); break; case 'checkbox': $o .= ddfm_gen_checkbox($f_i); break; case 'radio': $o .= ddfm_gen_radio($f_i); break; case 'select': $o .= ddfm_gen_select($f_i); break; case 'file': $o .= ddfm_gen_file($f_i); break; case 'selrecip': $o .= ddfm_gen_selrecip($f_i); break; } } if ($verify_method == 'recaptcha') { $o .= ""; @include_once('recaptchalib.php'); $publickey = $re_public_key; $o .= '
'; $o .= recaptcha_get_html($publickey); $o .= '
'; } $o .= '

' . "\n"; $o .= '
' . "\n\n"; $o .= '
' . DDFM_CREDITS . ' Dagon Design
' . "\n\n"; $o .= '
'; $o .= '
' . "\n\n"; } else { // Use manual form code $o .= $manual_form_code; } // Form generation complete } // end of display form code $o .= '' . "\n\n\n"; /* Page Generation */ if ($standalone) { // START OF PAGE HEADER ?> Contact
* denotes required fields.