With over ten years experience in the building industry, Henarise Pty Ltd is a reputable, fully licensed and insured building company. We specialise in residential construction including;

- New homes

- Commercial fit-outs

- Additions

- Alterations

- Garages / Carports

- Decks / Pergolas

Our builder is a highly skilled tradesman that can perform in a wide range of areas from; concreting, joinery and bricklaying to complex timber work and architectural finishes. He only engages experienced sub-contractors who have equally high standards of workmanship. Projects are managed one at a time from start to finish
by the same person to ensure your building needs are our priority.

Henarise has a variety of experienced registered architects or designers at hand to get your ideas off the ground and into council. Alternatively, we look forward to work with already approved plans or engaged architects/designers/draftsmen.

Good communication between the client, architect and builder is held paramount to us, it ensures all decisions made are thoughtful and in the clients/projects interest. Punctual invoicing and constant cost analysis are par for the course in all our residential projects, large or small.

Henarise is a professional company always striving for high standards in both building and customer satisfaction.  We are a member of the Master Builders Association and adhere to the National Code of Practice.

Henarise has managed the construction of a number of award winning projects, including:

Best Renovations & Additions in NSW - H.I.A - Housing Awards, 2008 (photos above)

Best Structural Use of Timber - Australian Timber Design Awards, 2005

References and photographs from a variety of clients and jobs are available upon request.