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Menstrual period pain is a very common condition, many weman will experience it in some stage of their life. The symptoms includes abdominal camping or ache that moves to lower back and/or legs, nausea, heavy menstrual flow or with clots, constipation or diarrhea.

 Will acupuncture help?

In my view, acupuncture and Chinese medicine therapies is one of the best treatment for period pain. Acupuncture is very effective and have no side effect as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs) does. Acupuncture does not just get rid of the pain, it fix the root of the problem, which is why many of our clients told us after acupuncture, not only period pain is getting much better, but also the period timing becomes more regular, less clots in period blood  and feel more energetic/less mood swings. Acupuncture restores the balance of the menstrual cycle in a natural way, it does far more than pain killers.

 How many treatments do I need?

In most case after first treatment, you will feel better right away. How ever you will need more treatments to treat the root of problem. It will depend on how many months have the pain lasted and severity of pain. Generally, we will ask you to come 1-2 weeks before pain occurs. For example, if pain usually starts on the first day of period, then you will need to have 2-4 treatments during 1-2 weeks before period. After 2-3 period cycles, the pain will become much less or vanish. If you have suffered from period pain for many years, we strongly recommend you to have more treatment for 2-3 cycles after symptoms have gone.

How ever, many patients prefer to have regular once or twice a week treatment, we also encourage that, because these will give us more opportunity to solve other problems and improve general health.


 Does acupuncture hurt?

Thanks to the thinness of modern acupuncture  needles and painless acupuncture technique, most of clients feel it is painless. In fact acupuncture has a “side-effect” , it often make people feel so relax that our clients usually feel sleepy after treatment or even feel asleep during treatment. Acupuncture will encourage energy flow inside body to start self healing process, that is why we can observe that the more relax our patients are during treatment, the more effective will it be.

During treatment, we will often combine moxibustion or using far infrared light, cupping, acupressure, and herbs.

Key words: menstrual pain, dysmenorrhea, acupuncture treatment, cupping, acupressure, moxibustion, herbal medicine, infrared light

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