Griffin Park Retirement Village, Healesville Victoria  
Unit Overview
Indicative Prices
Fee Summary
Units for Sale
Fee Summary

As with any Village, or Owner Corporation, there are fees payable by unit owners which provide for maintenance and services to the unit and around the village. This covers building insurance to all village buildings & units, gardening and general maintenance to common facilities and maintenance to the exterior of all units.

Potential purchasers, of a unit in Griffin Park, should be aware that a Deferred Fee is applicable on the sale of all units. This fee is calculated at 10% for the first 2 years, then 2.5% for each year of ownership, with a minimum fee of 10% and a maximum fee of 25% on the gross sale price of the unit.

Deferred Fee payments are an important aspect of retirement village living. Basically, they are retrospective payments contributing to, among other things, long term maintenance and improvement projects, as well as facilities provided by Management such as the community centre etc.

Photo - Easter Bonnet

Photo - Village View