Burn tons of fat and tone up your glutes, abs, and legs with outdoor stair workouts

Outdoor stair workouts are great for fatloss, endurance, and for toning the entire body.

There are so many ways to use stairs to get an amazing fat burning workout.

Below you can watch some great videos that show you how to get started and you can also try my stair workout that includes cardio, lunges, and yoga stretches.

Basic Outdoor Stair Workouts that Blast Fat

One of the best stair workouts you can do is to sprint up then walk down and repeat for 5-10 minutes. You add stair sprints at the end of a bodyweight circuit workout for increased fatloss.

Another way to use the stairs is to run up two stairs at a time then walk back down and repeat that 2-3 more times. This is great for, cardio, muscular endurance, fatloss and will also tone your glutes, calves, and core without adding bulk.

You can also try lateral stair sprints but these are more advanced and require good balance and coordination so be careful with these. Be sure to watch the ACE video here for more tips.

Outdoor MetCon Fatloss Workout with Stair Sprints

Another type of workout you can do with stairs is a metcon fatloss circuit workout like the one I'm doing in the video. Perform 10-20 reps of suspended lunge with hop, suspension trainer power pull, and suspension trainer mountain climbers followed by 2-3 quick stair sprints then rest for a minute and repeat the entire circuit 2-3 more times or for 20 minutes if you want to work for time instead.

This is fun and it burns tons of fat and calories while strengthening and toning your back, arms, core, and lower body too.

Outdoor Stair Workout for All Fitness Levels

Walk for 15-20 minutes at a moderate to fast pace. Continue with 5 minutes of intervals alternating between 30 seconds of running and 30 seconds of recovery. You can do both your walking and running on your way to the stairs.

Once you reach the stairs perform 3-5 sets of stair sprints with 1 minute of recovery between sets. Continue with 20 walking lunges, 20 reverse lunges, and 20 lateral lunges with very little rest between exercises. Just one set of each.

Finish up with some yoga stretches to prevent soreness and muscle imbalances that can lead to pain and injuries.


Outdoor Stair Workout Tip:Walk hills if possible to burn more calories.
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Outdoor Stair Workout Tip:
Sprint, jog, or just speed walk if you're a beginner.
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Single Step Stair Climb
1. Start by stepping onto the first step and step up to a standing position.
2. As you stand up place your other foot on the next step and continue to climb the steps one at a time.
3. Repeat this movement for the recommended time or number of steps.

Outdoor Stair Workout Tip:
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Bodyweight Reverse Lunge
1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart.
2. Step back with one foot and bend your knees into a lunged position. Your back knee should come close to touching the ground and your front leg should be bent to about 90 degrees at the knee.
3. Maintain your upright posture throughout the movement.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat. Once repetitions are completed then repeat with the other leg.

Outdoor Stair Workout Tip:
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Bodyweight Forward Lunge
1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart.
2. Step foward with one foot and bend your knees into a lunged position. Your back knee should come close to touching the ground and your front leg should be bent to about 90 degrees at the knee.
3. Maintain your upright posture throughout the movement.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat. Once repetitions are completed then repeat with the other leg.

Outdoor Stair Workout Tip:
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Walking Lateral DB Lunge
1. Holding one dumbell between your legs take left foot and step 2-3 feet out to the left side (or the 3 o’clock position). Lean torso forward and sit the right glute back. DO NOT allow lunging knee to extend past the big toe - may cause injury.
3) Pushing off lunging foot, return to start position.
4) Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Reaching forward should be performed at the hips and not the low back. Shoulders, hips, and front foot should point forward at all times.
5) Watch for proper knee alignment - do not let lunging knee extend past big toe or deviate laterally or medially. Opposite leg should remain straight during lunging phase as shown.

Outdoor Stair Workout Tip:
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Intermediate triangle with block
1. Place the right toes facing forward and the left toes at a 45-degree angle. Keep both legs straight. Inhale reach your arms to the side exhale lower the right hand down and lift the left hand up, look up. Lift the right kneecap up, tuck the tailbone under, pull the navel towards the spine and lift the pelvic floor muscles.
2. Keep the weight light on the right hand and keep reaching the left arm up towards the sky opening the chest. Lift the left hip up towards the sky. Lift the right kneecap up to contract the quadricep muscles to protect the knee. Feel as though the shoulders, hips, legs and head were against a wall.
3. Feel the body extending in five different directions.

Outdoor Stair Workout Tip:
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Wide Leg Upward Dog
1. Begin by lying on the stomach on the floor. Place the hands behind the shoulders and bring the legs out to the side slightly wider than hip-width.
2. Relax the buttocks and the legs. Inhale and push evenly down through the hands and lift the chest up towards the sky, gently arching the spine. Roll the shoulders back and down and away from the ears, look up towards the sky.
3. Do not allow the lower back to collapse down towards the floor. Stay connected to the core musculature by pulling the navel in towards the spine and lifting the pelvic floor muscles.

Outdoor Stair Workout Tip:
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Single Leg Standing Straddle
1. Start by standing with your feet spread as far apart as possible.
2. Lean forward toward one leg and try to reach your foot or until a comfortable stretch is felt in your low back and hamstring.
3. Hold for the prescribed time and then repeat with the other leg.

Outdoor Stair Workout Tip:
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Transform your body faster with different cardio workouts. Why your body needs highly variable cyclic training to burn fat and keep it off forever.