The “Collaborative Pathways Process” has been specifically developed to answer the two most common and most emotional financial questions for people going through divorce:

“Is it fair?”


“Am I going to have enough?”


The 3 part process:


Collaborative Scenarios

Collaborative Scenarios

With the above two questions being most important, it’s a reasonable assumption that a financial settlement would be simple if the “human capital” was exactly the same i.e. the earnings capacity of each spouse.

If this were the case, and both parties were seeking a fair and equitable outcome, in most cases the financial settlement would be 50/50.

The practical problem is that the “human capital” is seldom equal.

In the SentinelWealth Collaborative Pathways model, the parties agree that they wish to end up with the same financial assets when the “human capital” is equal i.e. when both are retired.

In other words, we start at the end point and work backwards effectively solving for what the present value starting point needs to be for each spouse to get to an equal future value end point.

To the extent that there is any discussion, debate or disagreement it is restricted to each assumption and is therefore easily resolved.


  1. Agree desired end point e.g. “equal financial assets at age 70”
  2. Agree assumptions e.g. expenditure, earnings, inflation, investment returns etc.
  3. Solve for present value starting point

Where agreement is difficult on any assumption, we simply build two scenarios, one for each variation.

Uncovering Deep Motivators

Uncovering Deep Motivators

Deep motivators are the key ‘themes’ that best describe who we are and who we really want to be.

For example:

“To be the father I never had”

“To make a contribution”

“To explore…life has so much to offer”

“To find and utilise my unique abilities”

Uncovering these key themes greatly assists in the negotiations process as it becomes possible to find the elegant solutions for both parties.

Understanding Money Beliefs

Understanding Money Beliefs

Beliefs are the result of our early experiences and the messages past down to us by our elders and those we respect.

Beliefs influence thoughts which create attitudes and our actions and patterns of behaviour flow from our attitudes.

It is our patterns of behaviour that create our current reality and so if we are not comfortable with our current reality, the place to start is with awareness of our beliefs.

By exploring and understanding these money beliefs, we are able to gain a better perspective of the negotiations process and our filters, and by doing this create a deeper level of understanding.

Contact SentinelWealth to find out more about our services.



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The “Collaborative Pathways Process” is a 3 part process which has been specifically developed to answer the two most common and most emotional financial questions for people going through divorce.