Dead Ball Situations

We call it a dead ball situation when the game stops and restarts: kick-ins, corners, free kicks and kick offs. These situations are usually good for the application of set moves, but before proposing set moves we should concentrate on the basic set ups and follow ups applicable to these situations.
We are going to outline here the main offensive and defensive aspects of kick-ins, corners, free kicks and kick offs.

General Activities for Dead Ball Situations

One on one kick-in. AS player executes the kick-in to an attacker against a defender and a keeper. After 5 kick-ins, players swap positions. Vary the place from where the kick in is done.

Free kicks contest. Each team has 5 free kicks. The winning team is the one that scores more goals.
Variation: only indirect free kicks

Corner game. 4 against 4 plus a keeper playing in half court. Every time the ball goes out, the game restarts with a corner. If defenders steal the ball and cross half way in possession of the ball, they go as attackers.

Kick-ins and Corners


a. Have a look – have a look before putting the ball on the line. Sometimes a quick execution can get the defence system disorganized, but sometimes timing is necessary for the positioning of your team.

b. Execution – the execution of the kick-in does not involve a very refined technique, but players should pay attention to putting the ball on the line, the limit of four seconds and not placing the non-kicking foot on the court.

c. Timing and a good pass – these are essential for a successful kick-in. Because kick-ins and corners usually offer an opportunity of finishing in goals, the players taking the kick-in should consider which foot the receiver would prefer to receive the pass in order to facilitate his/her shot.

d. Don not telegraph - don’t make your movements obvious to the defenders.

e. Follow up – the player who has just executed the kick-in should get into court quickly and make himself/herself an option to receive the ball back. A common mistake is to do the kick-in and stay outside the court watching.

f. Escape from the markers – all the players should move to escape from the markers rather than staying static, in order to give options to the player executing the kick-in.


a. Set op – set up the defence as quickly as possible to avoid any surprises.
b. Communication – is again essential when marking kick-ins and corners.
c. Goal side – always position a player between the ball and the goal, while obeying the 5 metres rule.
d. Block the shots – be always ready to block the shots of the attackers.
e. Anticipation – try to anticipate the movements of the ball and of the attackers without premeditated actions.

Free Kicks

a. Timing – as with the kick-in, timing is essential for a successful free kick.
b. Set up – all the players should position themselves as an option for the player executing the free kick. In the free kicks near the opponent goal, players can position close to the far and near post. A standard positioning is the square.
c. Good pass – in Futsal, even in the direct free kicks situations, the pass is usually a good option to escape from the wall.
d. Run to the ball – if a player is going to finish from a pass he/she should start moving before the pass is completed to reach the ball before the defender.


a. Set up – organize the wall as quickly as possible. Even in the free kicks away from the goal, a wall should be organized with the keeper calling for how many players he/she wants in the wall.
b. Keeper calls the wall – the keeper is in charge of organizing the wall by orientating the first player in the wall to close the angle between the ball and the near post. In Futsal, when the wall is set up inside the “d” the goalkeeper positions himself/herself beside the wall to close the angle
c. Pick someone – players should talk to each other, including the players in the wall, to organize in advance which player is going to block the shot if the ball is passed.

Kick Off

Any coaching process demands graduation of content. Learning skills and improving the knowledge
of the game is a long-term process and we have to be sensible and reasonable to plan our sessions respecting
the speed of assimilation of information by the player team.
Before stepping forward we have to make sure that the player/team has successfully executed the
task suggested. Successful performance of-a simple task is the fuel for a more complex task,