Ground Floor Opportunities with this vending machine business for sale.

Vending Machines Australia

Vending Machine Business for sale....

Investors and entrepreneurs rarely get a chance to get in on the ground floor. But this is your chance to invest in one of the most successful businesses for sale in recent history that has already demonstrated such a tremendous track record in the USA and Australia.

If you are considering purchasing a vending machine business for sale, please contact us first, and find out about the new way to make money from vending.

Why handle all that stock, when you can buy a vending machine that makes it's own stock!

Open your eyes with da-ice® Vending Machines Australia. Call us first if you are in the market for buying vending machines.

There are two ways that you can become involved and begin to profit with da-ice®.
Become an Ice House owner by buying vending machines.

da-ice® machine owners have a unique opportunity to supplement their income with low overhead and minimal time commitment. Perhaps you're close to retirement, or maybe you need extra income for a growing family. It's simple:

  • Purchase a franchise for one or more Ice Vending Machines.
  • Purchase or lease a small plot of land (or part of a busy parking lot).
  • Arrange for electricity, water, and a sim card for the machines computer.
  • There are no supplies except plastic bags and twist ties.
  • No employees are necessary to be on-site. The da-ice® ice machine requires very little maintenance.
  • Average initial investment for 1 ice machine is approximately $117,000 + GST.

Most businesses and land owners can benefit from an Ice Vending Machine being located close to them, because the sale of ice through da-ice®vending machines is so attractive to the consumer.

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