Pit Bull Bias in the Media

Blog article by Goodfordogs:

On September 30, 2010, in Domestic Animals Amendment, bsl, media, by Mike Bailey

“Anyone who reads the papers would be forgiven for thinking that ‘pit bulls’ are unpredictable dangerous dogs. It feels like every time we read about a dog causing serious injuries to people, a pit bull is to blame. It appears the media show a bias against pit bulls in their reporting of dog attacks. Animal Control officers in the U.S. have reported that when they alert the media to a dog attack, news outlets respond that they have no interest in reporting on the incident unless it involved a pit bull. The Denver Post recently admitted that they have been guilty of breed bias in their reporting of dog attacks.

Reporting rarely includes the events that led to the attack, valuable information that might help us avoid similar incidents.  Instead we are led to believe that the pit bulls are simply unpredictable dangerous dogs…………….

To read rest of article, go here…

DRP Comment:

Breed Specific Legislation is bad legislation. It is slowly being repealed in States in the USA and in the UK, and elsewhere. It is increasingly realised that the “deed” is the issue, not the type of dog. The cases of mistaken identity are huge – Council Staff are just not trained to identify pit bulls, and seemingly it’s easy enough to get your pit bull registered as something else. It’s a dog’s dinner and BSL should be removed. Mike Bailey of Goodfordogs has written well on this subject concerning Victoria and has further informatoin on their blog site.

There is no scientific basis for the negative claims made about pit bulls. Have you read “The Pitbull Placebo”? It’s an excellent book and a real eye opener. You can buy it on Amazon or download a free PDF. The pdf is provide foc by the National Canine Research Council.

Actions you can take:

Buy the “Pitbull Placebo” or download the free text. Write to you local Councils or State Minister expressing disatisfaction with any BSL in your State.

Here is more interestting information about the Pit Bull issue called “One million dead pit bulls”.  in the US, it’s shocking.

4 thoughts on “Pit Bull Bias in the Media

  1. tdierikx October 3, 2010 / 7:46 pm

    Considering that it’s illegal to breed or rehome PitBulls in most Australian states, where the hell are all the “breeding” stock for the “huge” numbers of PitBull crosses that the media keeps reporting coming from?

    Methinks that it just doesn’t make for juicy new copy saying that some kid was mauled by a Chihuahua, a Dachshund, or some other type of small dog – but by far the larger number of bites treated by medical professionals are from the smaller breeds of dog.

    The media love to report any larger dog that has bitten someone as a PitBull… it sounds scary and helps perpetuate the myth that a particular type of dog is just waiting to take off the face of the next human it encounters – which most owners of larger or bull breed dogs knows just isn’t true.

    Somehow I don’t think they are ever going to take the hint that ALL dogs are capable of biting someone if given the “right” circumstances…

  2. Sally Jay October 27, 2010 / 3:48 pm

    I am appauled that Pit Bulls are killed and cannot be rehomed, it’s usually the people who own these dogs that make them aggressive, no dog is born aggressive it’s the humans who have created this and the poor dogs gets the blame – it’s the human behind it that needs to be put down. I think this law needs to change as Pit Bulls are are beautiful intelligent animal and need respect

  3. Audra October 28, 2010 / 1:58 pm

    It’s not only pit bulls that get short shrift. Greyhounds are one of the least aggressive breeds, and yet in most Australian states, greyhounds have to wear a muzzle when out in public. I have heard stories from trainers who have had their dogs badly injured because someone else has failed to control their [aggressive] dog. I have two of my own re-homed greyhounds and they have been rushed, even, attacked by ‘unfriendly’ dogs not on leashes. I am more likely to bite someone than my dogs!

    There is not enough knowledge about dog behaviour and breeds, leading to prejudices and unhelpful laws. My biggest source of frustration is with those people who treat dogs as a commodity or accessory. In my ideal world, I would make owning a dog (or any other animal, for that matter) a responsibility not a right.

  4. barbara chipman July 15, 2016 / 4:47 pm

    i have owned a few dogs over the years two of them were bull terriers. never have been bit until now. i found a Boston Terrier under a car when he was 4 months old. he does nothing but bite me and bruise me. my fault i suppose for not taking him to a trainer. it is the smaller breeds that seem to bite the most often,

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