
CAD Design

Steve Corboy has significant experience with CAD design in both SolidWorks and Pro Engineer. The benefits of solid modeling CAD software are indisputable - in the hands of an experienced designer, they reduce time to market, reduce risk and benefit the retention of intellectual property within an organization.

Design Management

More than most commercial activities, R&D and design are activities that benefit from careful management and guidance throughout the design process. Design projects typically fail either because risk is not well managed or because the design process takes too long or costs too much. Both issues can be mitigated significantly with an experienced engineer charting the course and leading the team. The use of an experienced engineer in this position can be exceptionally good value for money. This is a task that Steve Corboy enjoys, and would be happy to discuss your requirements with you.

Intellectual Property Retention

Many succesful product design companies can be abysmally bad at intellectual property (IP) retention. Organizations pay money to employees to learn. However, the real goal is for the organization to learn, such that others can benefit from an individual's knowledge, and such that if the individual leaves, the organization does not suffer.

Documenting design knowledge must be a priority for any design team. Steve Corboy can assist with implementing procedures and techniques to assist in the retention of design knowledge.