
About John Corcoran

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Courses offered:

Crew Member Emergency Procedures Proficiency Training and Testing
Wet Drill and Ditching Procedures Training
First Aid Training
Dangerous Goods Training
Drug and Alcohol Management Plan (DAMP) Programs
Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training



Drug and Alcohol Management Plan (DAMP) Education and Training


From 23 March 2009 Australian AOC holders are required to have implemented a Drug and Alcohol Management Plan (DAMP) under Civil Aviation Safety Regulation 99 (released 1 September 2008).

Corcoran Aviation Safety Services offers DAMP packages tailored to your requirements, including: preparation of a compliant DAMP Manual, training workshops for DAMP Supervisors and education workshops for employees engaged in Safety Sensitive Aviation Activities (SSAA) , AOD testing (pre-deployment, post-incident and by request of the DAMP Supervisor), sourcing and provision of equipment for in-house testing, advice and guidance on employee support and rehabilitation, and advice and guidance on compliance with CASR 99.B.

You may also appoint Corcoran Aviation Safety Services as your DAMP Contact.

Corcoran Aviation Safety Services delivers DAMP Employee Education either face-to-face or online. Click here to access the online DAMP Employee Education program. (Requires password)

The 4 hour face-to-face DAMP employee education workshop will inform staff about:

  • Their rights and responsibilities under your DAMP
  • The Australian aviation sector alcohol and drug policies and programs
  • Potential work-related problems that result from the consumption of alcohol or drugs (including prescription and over-the-counter medications)
  • Their roles and responsibilities in relation to safety, conduct and performance
  • The role of the Medical Review Officer (MRO)
  • Support services available to personnel to address problems associated with alcohol or other drugs
  • What substances will be tested for and how they will be tested under your DAMP and under CASA auditing procedures
  • Management of a positive AOD test result, including disciplinary consequences.

Pre-deployment testing for staff employed or returning to work after 23 March 2009 can also be performed at the time of the education program.


Corcoran Aviation Safety Services will provide a fully qualified trainer, course materials and training aids (e.g. handouts and testing equipment)

You will need to provide appropriate classroom space in which theoretical learning can be delivered, and where practical role-playing training can take place.


  • Civil Aviation Safety Regulation 99 Subpart B.
  • Corcoran Aviation Safety Services Certificate to confirm satisfactory completion of DAMP Employee Education Workshop (online or face-to face) or Supervisor training.