Behaviour therapy for your child & family

Let those colours shine!

Colourful Minds provides behaviour therapy for children and their families in Sydney.

We provide a flexible mobile service that is tailored to your needs. Our behaviour specialists can visit you in your comfort at home, in the park, at your child’s daycare/school, via telehealth or in our clinic.

We have a person-centred and neuro-affirmative approach to support all Colourful Minds.

Back on track

Jack has come a long way since he began with Carol (thanks Carol!) and while we are not fully out of the woods yet, we think we are now ‘on track’ with him. Thank you for all the help to our family. It meant a lot. Hopefully, this is the right time to try to do it alone and we know if things go south, we can call again.


Insightful sessions

Thank you so much for the most helpful and insightful sessions. The timing couldn’t have been better! We followed your guidance and prepared Tom on the way to a family gathering. He was not only well behaved but also appropriate, kind, and gentle in his manner and words.


Lots of progress

Colourful Minds has been the best thing that has happened to our family. During home sessions, I was able to "put my feet up" as Jaimy was so calm with Carol. I never been able to do this before. Carol also supports Jaimy at school and he made so much progress. Not only is he talking more, but he is also playing more with his friends and he is able to focus longer. I can not thank you enough.

