CDCA Rules

During 2011, CDCA carried out a detailed review of its rules, clarifying the role and objectives of the organisation, Committee positions and roles, types of meetings (such as General Meetings and Committee Meetings), and conduct of meetings. A parallel Code of Conduct was developed to assist with the conduct of effective meetings.

The Rules and Code of Conduct were approved at the 2011 Annual General Meeting on 24 August 2011.

A number of minor Rule changes were adopted over ensuing years until, in 2017, CDCA undertook a major revision in order to apply for Incorporation status.

The following CDCA Rules document was adopted at a Speical General Meeting on 2nd November 2017 and has been lodged with Consumer Affairs Victoria:




CDCA has limited income to achieve its objectives and, as a not-for-profit advocacy organisation, does not generally provide financial sponsorship to other organisations, events, projects or individuals.

However, from time to time, CDCA may consider small sponsorship requests, if CDCA has the means to fund such requests, where these can be demonstrated to be of broad local community benefit or interest, relevant to the local Churchill and district area and of a not-for-profit nature.

Read the CDCA Sponsorship Policy by clicking on the link below:
