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Full contact details of over 23,000 Catholic people & organisations

More than just names and a single address and a single phone number, full access gives you all the contact details for that person or organisation.

Enhanced searching

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Safe & secure email addresses

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Cross-linking: parent organisations, contacts & branches

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$88.00 for 12 months Online Edition, $154 for both Print & Online.

For the same price as the Print Edition, upgrading your access gives you all the above features in an easy-to-use, fully searchable format for 12 months, starting from the day you sign up.

As well as the standard features that everyone can enjoy (Google maps, Print Edition page number references, and the ability to search over 23,000 entries), the Online Edition gives you access to every record in the Print Edition in *full detail*, all constantly updated and expanding throughout the year.

For $88 including GST for 12 months of the Online Edition, or $154 including GST for both Print & Online, you won't find a better way to keep up to date with 'who's who' in the Catholic Church in Australia.

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