Chan & Naylor - Business Intranet Systems (BIS)
Chan & Naylor - Business Intranet Systems (BIS)
Chan & Naylor - Business Intranet Systems 
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Due to the success of Chan & Naylor and envision, they are constantly being asked by other accountants to teach them how to implement this type of system. What they are constantly looking for is that one thing Chan & Naylor do 1000% better than them. What they don't realise is, "Its about doing 1000 things 1% better, its getting the little things right and the big picture will look after itself", Says Edward Chan.

In business it is rare to meet someone who doesn't want the growth and the wealth that comes with it, although with most businesses this does not come without pain. Business success can only be achieved with minimal pain through the right systems and the right people.

"Over the next few years the small accountancy firms who persist in running practices like practices instead of business will be put under further pressure from Government regulations and changes in the taxation laws, and they will burn out" , Chan says. "They simply cannot sustain the rate of change and will either have to get bigger or merge, consolidate or sell out".

Due to today's complex laws, the emergence of technology and the IT Industry, there are constant and ever increasing requirements to be more than 'an accountant'. The days of the sole practitioner and the 'family like' service are numbered. It is now the importance of creating a business that is sustainable, profitable and gives the lifestyle back to the owners and partners is paramount.

Chan & Naylor have developed the business systems that can be used to create this for not only accountants, but all small businesses.

Should you have any further questions please click here to email us.

 Chan & Naylor Business Intranet Systems 2003 - 2008

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