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CRM is a leading practioner of archaeological site management and has a proven record in this field. Assessments are the fundamental tool of planning for archaeological work on any site. Using primarily archival sources the role of these documents is to:

Identify the historical development of a site;

  • Identify, as far as possible, the material elements that were associated with that development. For example, a building, gardens, drains or any other feature that could have left physical evidence in the ground.
  • Describe what is most likely to be retained in the ground using this evidence as well as drawing examples from similar sites.
  • Evaluate the significance of this material.
  • Assess the likely impact of proposed work on the archaeological resource in the ground.
  • Recommend strategies and protocols that should be put into effect before, during and after work on site to manage the archaeological material and comply with statutory requirements

The purpose of the work is to inform a client of the archaeological issues on the site, the means of managing them and at what time those management strategies should be initiated; like any aspect of development forward planning minimises delays, costs and risks. Examples of archaeological assessments undertaken by CRM include:

Sydney Customs House (Council  of the City of Sydney: 1995)

The former Sargents  Factory,  East Sydney (Page Kirkland Partnership 2000)

Site of New Substation, Transgrid Site, Haymarket Sydney (Transgrid 2002)