A peek inside an organiser's pantry..

I've been organising my own pantry this week!

It's still a work in progress but I thought you might like to take a peek at some of the little tricks I'm using to make the most of the space we have, and make everything easily accessible.

I bought my new products from Howards Storage World - I could spend hours in there :)

Dry Goods & Baking boxes: I used to have matching jars for flour, sugar, coconut, muesli, pasta, rice etc. It looked nice but I just didn't use them enough, and could never check their use by dates - I ended up wasting a lot of ingredients. Now I buy smaller packets of these and store in them in the boxes on the top shelf. When I need something, I just take the whole box down,open it on my counter use what I need and then put the box back. It saves a lot of room too. I already owned these boxes - I think they came from Go Lo.

Snack Drawers: These boxes don't have lids, they have sliding drawers, so when we buy snacks I just dump them in here and open the drawer whenever I want one. It means I don't have open biscuit or chocolate packets out in the pantry which is much tidier and discourages mice and ants.
Odeda sml stackable drawer $19.95

Turntables for spices and condiments: These are great because they sit in the hard to reach corners of my pantry and make everything accessible easily, no straining to reach right to the back, I can  just spin them to find what I need. 26.5cm Turntable $17.95

Tiered shelves for canned goods: I got sick of opening my cupboard and only seeing a mass of identical can tops. To find  out what was in each can I had to lift them up one by one and it took forever! This way I can see everything at a glance and I don't have to stack them on top of each other - and there is a lot more room. Expanding Shelf Organiser $32.95

I still have a couple of shelves to finish - when they are done I'll give you an update! In the meantime, tell me about your pantry - is it big or small? Do you have it organised a certain way?

**I'd like to give a big thanks to Alejandra Costello from Color-Coded, her You Tube video was my main inspiration for my pantry organising. I also want to give a big hello to the staff at Howards Storage World who made my shopping very easy and even lent me their tape measure because I forgot to take mine! I bought everything mentioned in this post with my own money and my opinions are 100% true and my own.


My Favourite Organising Products

I've made up a little video showing you my 4 favourite organising products!

These are things I have used every day since I bought them :)

Some more info on each item:

Pop up washing basket: Big W (I'm pretty sure it was $8)

Key Chain: $9.36

Magnetter: $29.95 NOTE: I stick mine onto my fridge using 2 heavy duty 
magnets placed behind it :)

Have you used any of these before?

What are your favourite organising products?


** I purchased all 4 of these products with my own money. All opinions expressed are purely my own. All prices are Australian dollars and are correct at time of video upload unless otherwise stated.