School Rankings

Up-to-date and historical School Rankings Based on Academic Results
Three series of Australian school results, rankings or ratings, sorted by state and school sector: 1) Years 11 to 12 senior secondary school rankings according to ATAR, VCE, HSC, QCE, WACE, SACE, NTCET or TCE TES results; 2) Years 7 to 10 secondary / high school ratings; 3) primary school ratings.

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If you cannot find the school in the following lists of top schools, this means the school might have missed the cut-off score for the list. In this case, you can find the school by school name, suburb or postcode on a rating or Compare School page. In addition to ratings, you can also find top schools near a suburb / postcode by radius, see an example of rating page. Not only you can compare up-to 5 schools side-by-side, you can also find a school's trend or compare schools' trends over the years with tabular data and 2D/3D charts. see an example of Compare School page.

Years 11 to 12 ATAR School Rankings by State | Disclaimer

2012-2023 (VCE) | 2021-2022 (VCE+IB ATAR) | 2021-2023 (VCE ATAR)
2013-2023 (HSC) | 2021-2023 (HSC+IB ATAR)
2020-2023 (QCE+IB ATAR) | 2011-2019 (QCE+IB OP)
2021-2023 (WACE+IB ATAR) | 2016-2021 (WACE ATAR) | 2012-2015 (WACE)
2020-2023 (SACE+IB ATAR) | 2011-2018 (SACE)
2008-2018 (ACT ATAR)
2010-2023 (TAS TCE TES)
2016-2023 (NT NTCET) | 2010-2015 (NT NTCET)

School Ranking Galore in One Place: VIC | NSW | Qld | WA | SA | ACT | Tas | NT
ATAR Calculators: Better Education | VCE | HSC | QCE | WACE | SACE / NTCET | ACT | TCE

Find Best Secondary Schools (Years 7 to 10) by State | Disclaimer

VIC/Melbourne 2011-2023 | Stats / Trends
NSW/Sydney 2011-2023 | Stats / Trends
QLD/Brisbane 2012-2023 | Stats / Trends
WA/Perth 2011-2023 | Stats / Trends
SA/Adelaide 2011-2023 | Stats / Trends
ACT/Canberra 2011-2023
TAS/Hobart 2011-2023
NT/Darwin 2011-2023
National 2011-2023

Find Top Primary Schools by State | Disclaimer

VIC/Melbourne 2011-2023 | Stats / Trends
NSW/Sydney 2011-2023 | Stats / Trends
QLD/Brisbane 2012-2023 | Stats / Trends
WA/Perth 2011-2023 Stats / Trends
SA/Adelaide 2011-2023 | Stats / Trends
ACT/Canberra 2011-2023
TAS/Hobart 2011-2023
NT/Darwin 2011-2023
National 2011-2023
Find Nation's top high schools, based on the number of their alumni who received the top order of Australia honours - Companion of the Order (AC) between 1975 and 2010.