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What colours do Burmese come in? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melanie   

There are 10 recognised Burmese colours in Australia. 6 possible Male colours and 10 possible female colours.

 The 4 tortie colours are only available as girls as the tortie colouring comes through on a female gene. There is more info on the tortie colouring down the bottom of this page.

 Please keep in mind most of these colours will darken or change as a kitten grows.


 Brown or Sable





Brown Tortie  - Available as Female only!



Chocolate  or Champagne



Chocolate Tortie  - Available as Female only!








Blue Tortie or Blue Cream  - Available as Female only!



Lilac or Platinum 



Lilac Tortie or Lilac Cream  - Available as Female only!













As mentioned at the top of this page the 4 tortie colours are only available as girls as the tortie colouring comes through on a female gene. 

You will notice in the photos above the 4 different tortie colours are quite different which a lot of people seem to not know or understand. The colouring of tortie refers to the Base Colour. For example...A brown tortie (also often referred to as a Brown Cream) will have a brown base to her coat and then the Cream patchings scattered randomly throughout the body. Similarly, a chocolate tortie (also often referred to as a Chocolate Cream) has a Chocolate Base and the shaded tortie colours throughout the coat and so on with Blue Tortie and Lilac Tortie.

The Brown tortie is certainly the most contrasted in terms of colours and therefore the most mottled and obvious in tortie character with the Lilac tortie being the most blended in its toning and therefore the least obvious tortie colour. People often wrongly classify the colour of a lilac torti labelling her as a lilac. Often it is not until the kittens are 2 or 3 weeks old or even older before the tortie shades become evident.

I personally wasn't a fan of the tortie coat at first. I felt that they looked like a moggy cat (not that there is anything wrong with a beautiful Moggy) but why pay for a Pedigree to get a cat that looks like a Moggy??? But my husband insisted that if I HAD to get yet ANOTHER cat it had to be a tortie... his Law! Well I reluctantly gave in and got myself my first tortie and well I fell in love for a number of reasons... Firstly she had so much spunk to her and the Naughty Torti title was well suited to this ball of mischief. Even though I thought she looked a bit Moggy like she had the Burmese PURRsonality through and through! She was the most easy going, affectionate burmese and produced stunning kittens for us for many years.

The other thing that I have really learned to love about the torties is that they really are VERY UNIQUE! You will never see two torties the same. I can go to a cat show with 5 other Blue torties in it and point MY girl out from across the room without hesitation. I can't do that with the solid colours usually. If you go to a cat show with 6 or more Chocolate Adult female cats all of good type you will find that the breeders are constantly looking at cage numbers before attending to a cat so that don't attend to a cat that isn't theirs. The solid colours do tend to look much more uniform.

I now am a bit of a tortie addict and have owned Brown tortie, Blue Tortie and Lilac tortie. I expect I may have to keep a Chocolate tortie at some point should the right girl come along.  

Having owned a tortie I would never look back and I think a lot of our customers would say exactly the same.


Suchi is a registered breeder with the New South Wales Cat Fanciers' Association Incorporated. Lic No 125232.

All information, photographs and graphics on this site are copyrighted 2004 by Catatonia. No warranty is proved for any ommission, inaccuracy or otherwise of any of the data, information or opinions included in this site whatsoever. Independant professional advice is advised, paticularly with concern to medical matters. 

Last Updated on Saturday, 08 December 2018 02:38

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