<% function ffix(amt) dim ttext ttext = cstr(int(amt)) ttext = ttext +"." ttext = ttext + cstr(int((amt - int(amt))*100)) if right(ttext,2)=".0" then ttext=ttext+"0" ffix = ttext end function %> <% set ks = connection.execute("select * from jobs where id = "+cstr(request("jid"))+";") %>

<%= ks("position") %>

<% if (ks("rate")<>0) then %> <% end if %>
Located in: <%= ks("location") %>
$<%= ffix(ks("rate")) %> per hour

  <% for counter = 1 to len(ks("description")) if mid(ks("description"),counter,1)=chr(13) then response.write("
") else response.write(mid(ks("description"),counter,1)) next %>
To be eligible for this job, you must be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or have an appropriate visa to be able to live and work in Australia. Further information can be obtained from the Australian Department of Immigration.
<% ks.close connection.close %>