
A common problem people face when they decide it’s time to lose weight and improve their body is where to start. They’ve probably heard bits and pieces from Dr Oz. or maybe they’ve been watching those infomercials about the new fad diets, gadgets and machines that are “guaranteed to help you lose weight”.

But only the suckers think that these things will get them the results they DESPERATELY want. People rarely lay it all out for you with the information that actually works and tells you what you REALLY should be doing.

These are the 4 keys that you NEED to unlock that 6-pack and the body you’ve always wanted!

Watch this short video explaining them all and why you NEED to implement them:

So if you’re done with your Ab-blaster 7002’s and your lemon detox’s and ready for some real results then let’s get into the 4 Keys!

Key #1: Resistance Training

If you’re serious about fully transforming your body and getting the shape and physique you’ve always wanted, then resistance training is a MUST.

Sure, if all you’re interested in is losing weight then it may not be “needed” but it is certainly recommended!

If you are however, interested in adding shape to your body and sculpting your muscles then you need to be adding in some resistance training sessions to your weekly routine!

Some people are acting under the impression that you need to train twice a day, 6 days a week (like Arnold Schwarzenegger) to experience a positive impact from resistance training, but luckily this isn’t the case. In the initial stages of training, done correctly, improvements in strength and the size of the muscles can be experienced from just two sessions a week!

Not only does it add shape to your body, but resistance training also fires up your metabolism. Sure, steady state cardio might burn more calories during exercise when compared to a weights session BUT, post exercise, the weights session will often burn more calories. The body will need more energy to recover from the “damage” incurred during the resistance session and that will result in the fired up metabolism.

Key #2: Nutrition

No amount of training or magical style of training can make up for poor nutrition. The problem with a lot of people who struggle to lose weight is that they have little to no idea about how many calories they’re consuming.

When eating out, it can be easy to splurge on over 1000 calories or more in one sitting if we aren’t careful. Most restaurants and food outlets just care about how their food tastes and not how good it is for you and that is why it’s important to get educated on the hidden nasties in the foods we think are “good for us”.

Let’s take a harmless looking Caesar salad at a restaurant or café, a lot of people might think they’re doing themselves a favour by foregoing that “unhealthy option”. Well unfortunately, the devil here is in the detail. The salad is likely: drenched in dressing, laced with fatty bacon and crammed with croutons. The result – a lot more calories (many from simple sugar) than initially meets the eye.

Tracking your calorie/kilojoule intake is a great place to start when working out how much food you’re actually eating and working out how much you should be eating and there are many resources available to help with that.

Key #3: Cardio Training

Often the “go to” style of training when people are trying to lose weight. Depending on your goals, cardio can be a useful tool or an unnecessary activity to perform. When implementing an exercise regime, if weight-loss is your primary goal, cardio training combined with resistance training can be an effective combo.

If you’re trying to pack on some serious muscle however, cardio should be limited, as the result of this style of training can be conflicting with your goal.

Whether you’re doing a little, a lot, or none at all, the amount of cardio training you’re undertaking should align with your goals.

Key #4: Rest

You’ve probably heard the saying “gotta get in your 8 hours” but how many of us actually do get in enough sleep? Sleep is the time for your body to recharge, regenerate and reset. It’s the vital time for muscle repair and growth so inadequate levels of rest will mean sub-optimal results.

Our sleep needs decrease with age but people who work early in the morning are still at risk of missing out on the recommended 7-8.5 hours of sleep required a day. If you have to get up early for work or to train before work then you simply have to go to bed earlier.

Another simple cure for lack of sleep at night is to have short naps during the day. Don’t underestimate the power of an extra 30min-1 hour nap to help keep you feeling fresh and energised.

Our mental states can often benefit from a rest every now and then too. There’s far too much stress in the world and it’s often a case of making mountains out of mole hills. Engaging in relaxing activities such as yoga and meditating can help to take your mind off the stresses of the day and help recharge you mental state.

There you have it! For even greater depth into these 4 VITAL Keys for a Successful Transformation and more information on how you can incorporate them into your routine, claim your 100% FREE strategy session with one of our awesome coaches.

Thanks for reading guys, I hope this was a useful stepping stone for you on your journey towards the best version of yourself!

So if you’re ready to take that all important first step towards a better you then WHY WAIT? Start today and claim your FREE consultation call to discuss any difficulties you may be having with achieving your goals or just what you can do, to enhance your transformation.

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