The Edge of Composite Filling

The Edge of Composite FillingWhile others choose to have amalgam or gold fillings, some people would simply stick to the one that matches with the natural colour of their teeth. These are called white fillings and one of them is the composite filling. With this kind of tooth restoration, you wouldn’t have second thoughts projecting your smiles and laughs because the filling you have resembles the shade of your teeth.

The Procedure for Composite Filling

Before placing the filling, your dentist is going to clean the entire cavity from your tooth and set the glue or bonding material on the cavity. The dentist put the composite in layers using a light specialised to strengthen every layer. Once the last layer of the composite filling becomes hard, your dentist moulds the filling to make it look and feel natural. Your dentist finishes the procedure through polishing the composite to inhibit staining and immediate wear.