Our Story

By Paul Otto, founder of AllKids

In 2010 I came to Cambodia to supervise the construction of a village and clinic for HIV children in the Commune of Ream, close to the coastal city of Sihanoukville. Each day for the next 18 months I was greeted by the same children as I walked through the village to the building site.

I began to question why these kids were not in school and a survey revealed that ~25% of children in the Ream Commune were not attending school regularly.

Towards the end of the project I realized that I was in a position where I could change the lives of the children in Ream for the better, and the concept of AllKids began to form. With the support of Mr John George, a successful businessman and an active Rotarian who has over twelve years’ experience in managing charity organizations in Cambodia, AllKids was established in 2012 as a not for profit, international NGO.


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Australia Address:
All Kids Limited
277 Magill Road
Trinity Gardens SA 5068
Kendall – 0437 493 331
Kym – 0418 820 403