Kikuyu Turf Grass

Kikuyu Turf Grass

Kikuyu Grass is a vigorous grower that can handle a wide range of conditions. Great for both home lawns and larger open spaces such as parks and oval surrounds, Kikuyu grass is one of the hardiest full sun turf and grass varieties on the market.

What’s more, Kikuyu is very cost effective when compared to other turf varieties but be warned… it is a vigorous grower in summer and does invade garden beds if not cared for.

Kikuyu Turf
  • Fast growing, hardy and likes good drainage
  • Will usually grow in any soil, but we still recommend a good layer of top soil for a better finished job.
  • Excellent turf for playing fields, schools, footpaths, pre-schools also backyards where there may be dogs, children etc.
  • Very strong grass but is still quite soft to sit on
  • Very economical for replacement if turf wears out

Easy care, hard wearing with a medium texture and yellowy green colour. It is very vigorous and needs frequent mowing in warmer months.  Well watered, fed and mown regularly it’s great for large areas, but it can become invasive, and is not suitable for small areas with lots of garden beds.

Young kikuyu holds its winter colour, but older lawns turn brown in winter especially in mild frost areas. It can get spongy.

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