Cargo Bridge Walkthrough Complete Level 1 to 24 + Unlimited Bridge Cheat

About Cargo Bridge
Build a bridge and test your consctruction skills.
Help your workers to collect items located on the other side of valley.
Become a number one of the leader board.

Play Online: Cargo Bridge [Earn Kongregate Badges]

Four achievements & 80 points to earn!
Elephant Man Badge (easy – 5 points) – Level 3 completed
Overflow Funding Badge (medium – 15 points) – $2,000 total unused funding
Truss Yourself Badge (hard – 30 points) – Level 24 completed
A Bridge Too Far Badge (hard – 30 points) – 40-meter challenge mode completed

Cargo Bridge Walkthrough – Levels 1-8

Cargo Bridge Walkthrough – Levels 9-16

Cargo Bridge Walkthrough – Levels 17-24

Money Cheat. How to earn $2,000?
Download Link: Cargo Bridge SOL
Extract the file using Winzip or any zip extractor, and copy it to this folder…
C:\Documents and Settings\UserAccountName\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\ #SharedObjects\randomNumberLetter\\gamez\ 0004\5863\live\bridge.swf

How to disable length check? [No bridge limit]
1. Open/Run Cheat Engine 5.4/5/5
2. Change “Value Type” to “Array of Bytes”
3. Search for : D0 66 ?? ?? 66 ?? ?? 66 ?? ?? AF
4. Copy all selected items to the address list.
5. Select all items, and change their value to : 24 00 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 AB

Build a bridge using your mouse and available budget. When it is done click “Test your bridge”.
Your workers will use it to get items located at the other side of valley, and bring them back to the shop. Your goal is to collect all items in level.

For each level you have limited budget. All money that you won’t use, become your score, so cheaper bridge = higher score.
Money collected in all levels of game will be your total score and will be sent to leader board. You will use those money in challenge mode too.

Building tips:

* There are two types of bridge elemets: “walk” – workers can step on them, “connectors” – used only to connect elemets of the bridge, workers do not collide with them.
* “Connector” elements are cheaper and lighter so use them as much as you can
* Each type of item have different weight and some of them will need stronger bridge then others.
* At the begining of game only wood elements of bridge are available. In further levels, aditional materials will be accessible also, so use them wisely.


About ayumilove

I am Ayumilove, if you see some impersonators its not me.

27 responses to “Cargo Bridge Walkthrough Complete Level 1 to 24 + Unlimited Bridge Cheat”

  1. jsjg says :

    this game is ok but minecraft is the best

  2. jake says :

    you guys are all gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and have no life to be commenting about a dumb game such as cargo bridge. get a life and grow the hell up ya stupid people!!!!!

  3. billyt says :

    I am on the next section of the game and have completed the 39 meter gap. Has anyone else reached this point and if so how far.

  4. Doc says :

    Obliv :
    You are clearly an idiot, if they didn’t work you wouldn’t see them working in a video, retard… You probably just didn’t copy them well enough, which makes you 2 times an idiot since you can’t do it on your own and can’t even copy from a dude who passed the game

    lets all grow up now and use manners. videos can be faked just like anything else.

  5. mike jones says :

    how to do lvl 18 dicks

  6. Roger says :

    Level 9 solution doesn’t work for me. I copied it exactly (per Bridge pro) and it just falls before the guy even walks on it!

  7. Nova says :

    to bridge kid, just because your too stupid to follow an walkthrough video, which is more of an guide than walkthrough, doesnt make it, and i quote, ”sucky and stupid”. i found it very useful for bridge designs on the level i was stuck on.

    • Grammer Guy says :

      To Nova–Don’t call people stupid until you can use propper grammer an is only used before words that begin with a vowel sound. Also, instead of your, you should have used “You’re”–Whoever bridge kid is doesn’t own the word “too”, as “Your” is possesvie, so if you’re too stupid to use English propperly, don’t call someone else stupid for complaining about the ill experience they had with the walk-thruogh.

      • -_________- says :

        Dude you can’t be serious if your on the internet you should clearly know that most people have the mental capacity of a squirl when on such a foolish page and you spelled “PROPER” incorrectly so don’t act like you know everything nerd

  8. bob smith says :

    LVL 9 is hard i tried 160 and 140 it didnt work what do i do?

  9. Bridge kid says :

    I needs help with #16 the video is sucky and stupid

  10. Beatuall says :

    I did #10 with wood only! These are not the only ways you can do these puzzles.

  11. paul says :

    i need help with level 17 the one in the desert any ideas people

  12. paul says :

    i need help with level 9 the one in the desert any ideas people

  13. paul says :

    wow most of these dont even work you must really suck

    • Obliv says :

      You are clearly an idiot, if they didn’t work you wouldn’t see them working in a video, retard… You probably just didn’t copy them well enough, which makes you 2 times an idiot since you can’t do it on your own and can’t even copy from a dude who passed the game

      • kayla says :

        hes right. its not tht hard to follow. it didnt work a couple of times but once i fixed it exactly right it worked. it takes patience which u clearly dont have paul.

    • richard says :

      no you suck he probally worked hard

  14. Roflcopter says :

    “1. Open/Run Cheat Engine 5.4/5/5”

    Where do I find that cheat engine?

  15. idiot000000 says :

    cheats don’t work

  16. Sanji says :

    Let me see…

  17. bridge pro says :

    for level 9 make the left side walker 160 and the right side walker 140 an then do the thing shown in the video it works!!!